Chapter 19

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To clarify some things, Virgil's voice doesn't change when he uses his powers. I just highlight it so that you know when he's using it. To the characters, he just sounds normal, if not a bit more hypnotic.

This information WILL be relevant in this chapter.

Janus wasn't sure what happened.

A few days ago, everything had been perfectly fine. They had all been watching a movie together, and they ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Something had clearly changed, though.

"You are such a fucking prick." Virgil hissed darkly, venom lacing his every word.

"Oh, aren't you one to talk!" Roman laughed harshly, crossing his arms. "You're acting like I'm a fucking homicidal maniac!"

Janus had just wanted to make himself a bowl of cereal. He did not expect to walk in on a screaming match between Virgil and Roman.

The two of them were both in their hero costumes, which somehow made the scene more frightening. It gave the impression that they could start fighting at any minute.

"That's not what this is about." Virgil growled. "It's about your carelessness, narcissistic tendencies--"

"For fuck's sake." Roman rolled his eyes.

"--unwillingness to follow any sort of instructions, lack of foresight--"

"Oh, like you're so fucking perfect!" Roman yelled, glaring at him. "You're a fucking hypocrite, Virgil!"

"This isn't about me. This is about your, frankly, stupid fucking choices--"

"Woah, hey!" Patton walked in, eyes wide in alarm. "What's going on?"

"Roman almost killed a bunch of civilians!" Virgil sneered.

"I saved them!" Roman protested loudly, causing Janus to flinch back.

"Yeah, after nearly crushing them to death." Virgil spat. "This is, what, the fifth time this has happened?"

"You can't expect me to have eyes everywhere!" Roman shouted.

"Okay, let's just calm down." Patton quickly stepped in, hands poised in a placating manner. "Explain to me what happened."

Now, Janus knew that Patton didn't have anything similar to Virgil's powers, but somehow he could command them all with a single look.

Janus hummed. It was kind of similar to the look a father gives when scolding his children.

"Evil Queen attacked." Virgil huffed. "Roman, in his hurry to defeat her, decided it would be a good idea to throw a phone booth at her."

"It made sense at the time." Roman grumbled.

"What he didn't account for, were the three civilians behind her." Virgil scoffed.

"I didn't see them! To me, it looked like everyone had ran away!" Roman explained.

"You almost killed those people, Ro!" Virgil snapped. "And I told you that there were still people around!"

"No, you fucking didn't!"

Janus frowned. "Wait, so are those people alright?" He asked. For a moment, he was taken aback by himself. He had never cared before.

"Ro flew ahead and caught it in time." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Which is why I don't see what the issue is!" Roman barked. "They were perfectly fine! Shaken up, at worst!"

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