Chapter 29

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TW: Death

Ms. Libelle led Janus to the darkest part of the garage, the latter having to squint so he could see.

There was a single, metal chair. Scar roughly placed Remus on it, pulled out a rope, and began tying his hands to the back of it.

Janus quickly looked away, his hands shaking from where they stayed clenched at his sides.

"This is it." Ms. Libelle took a deep breath, smiling. "I've been waiting so long for this day."

"Can I be informed of the plan?" Janus spoke up, doing his best to keep his voice flat. His mother saw through him in a second, narrowing her eyes.

"I can inform you of what I want you to do next." She said easily. "Why don't you call those heroes of yours, get them to come here. Say you need backup."

Janus swallowed, but didn't move. This all felt so wrong. The heroes had done so much for him, and he was expected to purposefully lead them to a trap?

"I recommend doing what she says, Golden Boy." Scar smirked, leaning against one of the columns of the garage.

Janus scowled at the nickname, pulling out his communicator and dialing Roman.

It rang.

Janus silently begged for there not to be an answer. For Roman to ignore him for once.


He never got what he wanted.

"Roman!" He shouted into the communicator, trying to sound out of breath. "I--W-We need backup! We're at the old parking garage at the edge of town! Hurry! Remus isn't looking too good!"

"What?!" Roman's voice replied. "Are you--?!"

Janus hung up.

He took a shaky breath, before glancing at his mother, who was watching him with a satisfied smirk on her face. "How was that?" He asked flatly.

"Not one of your best acting moments, but certainly passable." Ms. Libelle tilted her head, walking behind Remus' chair to stand next to Scar. "Now, then. Should we wake your friend up?"

She snapped, and suddenly a bucket of water appeared above Remus' head, pouring on him almost immediately. The hero gasped, snapping awake.

He blinked, assessing his situation, before his eyes landed on Janus. "Dee?" He croaked, voice slightly hoarse. He tried to get up, before quickly realizing his hands were tied. "What--?"

Ms. Libelle leaned down. "Hello, little hero." She whispered in his ear.

Remus jumped, watching her as she slowly went to stand next to Janus, placing a hand on his shoulder. Remus scowled. "Dragon Witch." He growled. "What have you done to him?"

"Done to him?" She echoed, blinking innocently. "I would never do anything to harm my son, Duke. What kind of mother do you take me for?"

Remus recoiled like he had been struck. "What?" He looked at Janus. "You're--Is that true, Deceit?"

Janus bit his lip, looking away from the hero. "I'm sorry."

Remus glanced between the two of them uncertainly, frown growing slightly nervous. "What...are you gonna do to me?" He murmured.

"Well, we have some time to kill before The Prince and Paranoia show up," Ms. Libelle crossed her arms, smirking at him, "so I guess we'll do whatever we want."

Scar let out a menacing laugh from behind Remus, causing the latter to stiffen. "Oh, Duke. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day? The day I could finally wipe that insufferable smirk from your face." He stepped in front of the chair.

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