Chapter 4

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Janus sighed, sitting on the rooftop of some random building.

He had only managed to find two of the five heroes that were in the League. He had to gain all of their trust in order to join them. That would be a bit difficult if he never met the remaining three. 

Janus supposed that he should have expected as much. It was rare for a threat to arise that would require all five of them. 

Janus paused.

A threat that would require all five of them?

Janus felt a grin spread on his face.

He had a call to make.


“You all will perish!” Ms. Ursula laughed.

She was giant, and terrorizing the people of the city, who screamed and ran as fast as they could from her. “You’re all so puny! This is laughable!” She cooed.

Janus watched from nearby, not in his suit. This should be enough for all five of them to show their faces. Then, all Janus had to do was swoop in and save the day.

“Well, well, well…” A voice Janus had never heard before chuckled.

Janus followed the sound, spotting a hero he had never met.

His suit and mask were identical to The Prince’s, but he wore black and green instead of white, red, and gold. Unlike The Prince, Janus could see a mustache resting on his face. He also had a single strand of white hair that fell down in front of his face, instead of having it all slicked back like The Prince. Instead of a sword, however, he had what looked to be a mace attached to his side.

“Oh Sea Witch~” The hero cooed, somehow gaining her attention despite the screaming crowd. 

Ursula scowled at him. “Well, if it isn’t The Duke.” She growled. “Where is your meathead brother, huh? Too busy staring at his reflection to show up?” 

“Oh, Princey-Poo? Who knows?” The Duke smiled wryly, crossing his arms. He shrugged. “You’re probably not far off.”

Janus frowned. This was the brother that The Prince had mentioned? 

What did The Prince say his brother’s powers were? 

Ursula snarled, and suddenly one of her tentacles was flying towards The Duke. 

An expression of pure terror flashed across The Duke’s face. “Wait--WAIT--!” He cried, quickly backing away when he realized it was too fast to dodge. 

The tentacle impaled the hero.

The Duke choked and spluttered on the blood that had quickly clawed its way up his throat. Dozens of screams sounded from the crowd, everyone seeing the grizzly scene.

“The Sea Witch killed him!” One woman screamed. 

“We’re all gonna die!” A man cried.

Janus had to choke down the bile that he felt churning inside his stomach.

The light drained out of The Duke’s eyes, and his expression went slack. He slumped on the tentacle, going completely limp. His body was trembling, but it didn’t look like The Duke was even conscious (maybe not even alive) anymore. 

Ursula stared for a second at the corpse, before her attention was snapped away by the voice that rang out.

“Ooh, that was grim, huh?” 

Janus looked up, finding The Duke sitting on top of the building Janus was standing in front of. When The Duke caught Janus looking, he sent him a wink and a smirk. 

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