Origin: Patton

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TW: Self Harm, Blood, Knives

Patton was thirteen when it first happened.

He was babysitting his neighbor’s kid, Gavin. It was their anniversary, and their original babysitter had to cancel at the last minute. So, in an act of kindness, Patton volunteered to babysit their son.

“Gavin, no.” Patton scolded for the third time, taking yet another sharp object out of the young boy’s hands.

The three year old glared at Patton, tears beginning to build in his eyes. “No, no, no! Don’t cry!” Patton pleaded, kneeling down in front of him.

“You’re being rude!” Gavin said, crossing his arms.

“I’m not trying to be, I promise!” Patton frowned. “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself!”

“I’m not gonna!” The three year old insisted, pouting. “I’m a strong!”

Patton held back a laugh. “I know you are, Gavin, but you’re still just a little kid.” 

“That’s not what mommy says.” Gavin mumbled, looking away. “And Uncle Leo says that I’m very brave!”

With that, the kid ran off. “Oh--Gavin!” Patton called after him, putting the sharp object on a high shelf. “Come back! I don’t want you to be upset.”

"Too late!"

“‘Too late?’” Patton echoed, laughing a bit to himself. “Who gave this kid so much sass?” He went in the direction Gavin went. “Gavin, where’d you go?”

A large crash came from the master bedroom. 

Patton’s heart dropped, and he quickly ran towards the source of the noise. “Gavin?!”

When he swung the door open, he immediately gasped.

Gavin was still as he lay unconscious underneath his parent’s dresser. It had fallen on him, and Patton thought he could see a bit of blood trickling out from underneath. “Oh my gosh!” He cried, quickly pushing the dresser off of the boy and back into its previous position. “Gavin?”

A blood gash had made itself present on Gavin’s forehead, the blood trickling onto the carpet underneath. Patton went pale, bringing his hand up to it. “Gavin? Can you hear me?” 

No answer.

Patton shook his head. “Oh gosh. Wake up, Gavin. This isn’t funny.” He frowned. 

He wanted nothing more in that moment than for the wound to disappear. He didn’t want this three year old to live with a scar. He hadn’t even begun to think about what his parents would do to Patton if they learned that their son was in this state.

“Come on, Gavin. You’re fine.” Patton whispered, cupping the boy’s cheeks. “Wake up, please.”

Patton’s hands began to glow. 

Immediately, he screamed, yanking his hands away from Gavin. “Oh god--Oh my god--” He stammered, staring wide eyed at his hands. “What the--What on earth--?” 

He glanced at Gavin, and his brow furrowed when he noticed that the gash had shrunk in size. He looked back at his hands, thinking again about how he wanted Gavin’s wound to vanish.

The glow burned brighter.

“What…?” He mumbled, the dots slowly connecting themselves in his head. Hesitantly, he brought his hands near Gavin’s gash.

Slowly, it began to seal itself. The healing process going way faster than it naturally would. After a few moments, the wound had disappeared, not even a scar left in its wake. 

The glow disappeared.

Slowly, Gavin’s eyelids began to flutter. When he opened his brown eyes, he blinked up at Patton. “Patton?” He asked sleepily. 

“Hey, buddy.” Patton replied breathlessly, the air stolen from his lungs. What just happened? What just happened?

“‘M sleepy.” Gavin murmured, closing his eyes again. Patton scooped the boy up in his arms, taking him to his bedroom.

“I bet you are, bud. I bet you are.”


When he got home that night, he stared at his hands for hours. He had healed Gavin. There was no doubt about it. The question was how the actual hell did he do that?

Patton needed to try that again. He had to make sure he hadn’t hallucinated the entire event. 

Slowly, his eyes dragged themselves to the pocketknife his father had given him a few days before he died. 

He knew that he shouldn’t. It was dangerous, and what if the healing thing didn’t work? Then again, what if it did? He would never know.

“No,” Patton shook his head, forcing himself to look away, “that’s crazy.” 

He would never know the truth.

“No.” Patton grit his teeth.

It would be quick, and, hopefully, the pain wouldn’t last for long. 

“I shouldn’t.” Patton’s eyes landed on the knife again. 

Was he willing to find out if his ability was real by testing it on someone else? He knew he wasn’t. It had to be him. 

Patton stood up from his bed, walking over to the knife. If this didn’t work, Patton could die. Patton didn’t want to die.

“Come on, Pat. You got this.” Patton took a deep breath, grabbing the knife with his right hand and holding it over his left. “It’s just a quick cut. You won’t make it too deep.” Hopefully.

He closed his eyes, not able to watch. This was a one time thing. If it didn’t work, it didn’t work. 

He took a deep breath, before slicing his own arm open. 

He hissed, dropping the hunting knife hastily and opening his eyes. Too deep. He had gone too deep. Of course he did.

“Oh gosh--” Patton’s eyes widened, staring at his arm. He had just done that. This was a terrible idea.

Blood fell freely onto the carpet, staining it an ugly red. 

“Okay, okay.” He took a deep breath, seeing his vision beginning to blur. He held up his hand, trying to imitate the feeling he had when he healed Gavin. “Come on, come on.” He mumbled. “I don’t wanna die because I was being a dummy.”

Patton’s eyelids began to flutter, and when he blinked he was suddenly on the ground. “Oh no--Oh no--” Patton gasped, turning so he was on his side. With way more effort than it should have taken, he shakily raised his hand to his wound, his vision fading in and out. “I’m so stupid--So, so stupid--”

Patton was struck with a terrifying thought.

Was he about to die?

Patton didn’t want to die. He was only thirteen, finishing up middle school, he hadn’t even had his first kiss yet. 

“Please...” Patton slurred, hand falling limply on top of his other arm. His eyes slipped closed, and a blissful calm fell over him. He was dying, he distantly recognized. 

He heard his bedroom door open, and a scream pierced the air.

His mom, no doubt. Patton couldn’t leave her behind, not after his dad passed away. 

His eyes were closed, so he didn’t see his hand begin to glow. From his perspective, he suddenly felt way more energized, and the strength returned to his limbs. His eyes opened and he watched in wonder as the cut on his arm shrank until it vanished completely.

He turned, spotting his mother watching him, brows furrowed in confusion. “WHAT--


We are done with these origins now 😏

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