Chapter 20

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Janus calmly walked forward. “Hey.”

“Not a step closer!” The man in front of him growled, pointing his gun in Janus’ face. “I’ll kill them all! Don’t test me!” 

It had been Janus’ turn to patrol, and that seemed to be the day that a man decided to hold his wife and children hostage in their own home. 

The man’s wife and two children were all bound and gagged on the porch, tears streaming down their faces. The neighbors and their kids were watching the entire exchange, hiding behind the armed police officers and reporters.

Janus narrowed his eyes. The man wasn’t lying. He was really willing to shoot his family.

“What’s going on, man?” Janus tilted his head. “Why are you doing this?”

Why?” The man barked out a laugh. “This bitch cheated on me!” He yanked the woman’s hair, forcing her head to snap up and stare at Janus. “These aren’t even my fucking kids! They belong to my best friend!” He sneered, releasing her hair. “Fucking whore.”

Janus hummed. “So you want to kill them.” He said blankly. It wasn’t a question, he was simply stating the facts. “The kids too?”

“I want that piece of shit to suffer for what he did to me.” The man spat. “Killing off his kids seems easy enough.”

Janus nodded. “What’s your name?” 

“Why the fuck would I tell you?” The man scoffed.

“Humor me.” Janus walked a bit closer, though the man didn’t seem to notice. “You’ve already told me the nitty gritty details about your failing marriage.”

The man sneered, glaring at Janus. “It’s William.” He told Janus. “And this bitch here is named Julie.” He gestured to his wife. 

“And the kids are named…?” Janus crossed his arms.

“Abigail and Jonathan.” William frowned.

Abigail was older than Jonathan. She looked to be around thirteen, maybe less. She had caramel colored eyes and a freckled face, framed by blonde locks of hair. 

Jonathan looked to be ten at most, his features nearly identical to Abigail’s, apart from a slightly crooked nose. He was crying, trying to quiet down his sniffles so as to not gain the attention of William.

“You raised these kids, yeah?” Janus asked.

William narrowed his eyes at Janus. “Yes, I did.”

“You cooked for them, cared for them, cleaned up after them, etc?” He stepped a bit closer, going unnoticed once again. 

William silently nodded, brow furrowing. He was clearly confused as to what Janus was trying to say.

“So how are they your friend’s kids?” Janus scoffed. “You raised them, why would he care about a pair of kids he doesn’t even know?” He snorted.

William faltered at that. “Well--Because--They’re his kids! His flesh and blood! Why wouldn’t he care?!” 

“But he doesn’t know them.” Janus stepped forward. “They mean nothing to him. He didn’t have the connection you did. He didn’t watch them grow.”

William frowned. “But--But--”

“You’re mad at him, right?”

“Of course I am!”

“Then why are you taking it out on his kids?” Janus asked coldly. 

William grit his teeth. “Well--I--”

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