Chapter 12

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The press conference continued.

“Lydia Bell, Vine Updates.” A woman introduced herself. “Recently, crime rates have been going up in the city. Do you think that Deceit will bring these rates down?”

“I think the possibility of crime rates going down is very likely.” Logan hummed. “That depends on how scared common crooks are of Deceit, though.”

“Jake Weston, The Alarm.” A man went next. “Now that The Prince’s name has been revealed to the city, how do you think things will change?”

“Oh! Thank you for reminding me.” Virgil nodded. “To everyone listening to this broadcast, forget The Prince’s name.” He yawned. 

The man blinked. “What...was my question…?” He murmured to himself. 

“Susan Wojcicki, Your Voice.” She smirked as she introduced herself. “Deceit, what do you feel about each of your new teammates?”

“Don’t answer.” Remus growled, glaring at Susan. “She’s nothing but trouble.” 

“No, answer it.” Virgil insisted. “Not answering is the same as saying you don’t like one of us."

“I think they’re all lovely people.” Janus told Susan. “It’s impossible to hate any of them.” 

“Ooh, good answer.” Remus nodded. “She’ll have trouble twisting that one around on you.” 

“She might have fun twisting that one on you, though.” Logan spoke up, glancing at Remus. “Last month, you said you were ‘born to defy the impossible.’”

Remus looked mortified for a moment. “Are you kidding me?” He groaned, slamming his head against the table. 

They continued answering questions for about thirty minutes, and then they received an interruption. 

“So, no. I don’t think--” A loud explosion cut Janus off. It came from outside. In an instant, all the heroes had gotten up and were rushing towards the window to see what it was.

Janus furrowed his brow. Blue fire? That could only be the work of--

Hades.” Virgil growled. 

“One normal day. That’s all I ask for.” Remus groaned. 

“Grab on.” Patton told them, holding out his arms for them to latch onto. 

The reporters were all already rushing outside, eager to get the fight on tape.

Once they were all ready, Patton teleported them to the street. 

They spotted Hades immediately. He was sitting atop a burning car, smirking at them. “Well, hello, heroes!” He grinned. “Funny seeing you here.”

“Don’t act like this is a coincidence, Hades.” Roman spat, pushing ahead of them to glare at the villain. “You knew we would be here.” 

“Well, I had to take advantage of this opportunity! All of you being here is a rare occurrence.” Hades snorted. “Not only you five, but the new kid too! It’s my lucky day!” 

“You can’t defeat all six of us.” Logan sneered. “Not by yourself.” 

“Who said I’m by myself?” Hades tilted his head.

Then, Virgil released a yelp.

They all spun towards him, seeing that a shadow seemed to be dragging him away by the foot. “Paranoia!” Remus exclaimed, running after him. 

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