Origin: Logan

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Logan had always hated thunderstorms.

A rather strange thing to be afraid of for a young scientist, he knew. The loud sound of thunder in his ears and the flash of lightning sent Logan’s usually organized thoughts spiraling, leaving him a terrified and blubbering mess.

So, since the universe hated him, he was stuck inside his toolshed, struggling to breathe.

He had just wanted to grab some tools to help him with his science fair project. Seeing the weather, he usually would’ve asked his dad or his mom to grab it for him, but neither were home. Logan had thought that he had a couple of minutes before the rain started pouring, but he was wrong. 

The thunder was what he heard first. It took all the air out of his lungs immediately. He had fallen to his knees before the rain even began. 

The pouring rain leaked through the wood of the toolshed, causing Logan to become soaking wet. It was a particularly bad storm today. It felt like the wind would send the toolshed flying at any moment, leaving Logan to be swallowed by the storm.

He wanted his parents. Where were they, again? They had gone to get something, but Logan couldn’t remember what. 

“Help me--Help me--!” He begged to no one breathlessly, voice lost to the howling wind and pounding of rain onto the roof of the shed.

No one answered his plea, leaving Logan defenseless as he sat in the shed.

Suddenly, a bright light shone through the cracks of the wood, coming from Logan’s backyard. It was too bright to be anything man-made. It was almost as if the light was its own being, something that encased the whole shed.

The rain still pounded onto the shed’s roof, and the wind still roared in his ears. As a man of science, he would’ve known that his next conclusion was clearly false. In his panicked state, though, he didn’t know any better.

He thought it was lightning.

Logan screamed in raw terror, backing as far away from the light as possible. 

Something must have happened then, because suddenly he felt extremely dizzy. He blinked, and suddenly he was lying on his side, blinking drowsily, rain forgotten. 

The door to the toolshed opened as his vision began to swim, and Logan felt himself be picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder.

The rain pelted on his skin as the person carried him outside, but Logan couldn’t find it in himself to feel alarmed. Not even as he heard the thunder boom and the wind roar. A strange sense of calm had washed over him, turning all his thoughts to mush before his eyes.

All his senses faded away slowly.


Logan jerked awake.

His heart was beating too fast in his chest, his head throbbing. 

He was sitting on a chair, the room he was in full of white furniture. Logan looked down at his wrists, seeing that he was tied to his seat. He was still wet from the rain, so it couldn’t have been too long since he was taken from his house.

The room was eerily quiet, the only sound being Logan’s breathing. 

Where was he?

The door to the room he was in opened, and a woman in a white dress walked in. Her hair was ebony, her skin the color of hot chocolate.

She stared at Logan passively.

“Where am I?” He asked, doing his best to keep his voice neutral. 

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