Chapter 38

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Remy’s mother had informed Janus that he would not be able to walk normally for at
least six weeks.

This was a problem for several reasons.

One, he couldn't stay in one place for six weeks. His mother would track him down in a matter of days. He needed to leave and quick.

Two, the heroes needed his help. He was the only one who could tell them what had become of Patton's powers. Accessing them would be even more difficult if he was benched.

Three, he was actively putting Remy and his mother in danger. He seemed to be doing that a lot nowadays, letting innocent people become targets for his mother. She would follow his tracks, which would lead her right to the two of them.

There were many more reasons, such as the fact that they would have to feed another mouth, or the...

Well, that was the only other one he could think of at the moment.

Still, it was plenty reason for him to insist he leaves.

"You won't make it far on that ankle." Remy's mother deadpanned, crossing her arms. "So, don't even bother trying to leave."

Janus personally thought that keeping him here was more dangerous than letting him leave.

But fuck him, right?

“You need to let me go.” He tried to reason with her once more. “I promise, I’m
trying to help you, the both of you.”

She ignored him completely, glancing at her son. “What do you think we should do
with him?”

Remy froze, while Janus bristled. “You’re asking a child--?”

“You seem to love making comments about my methods as a mother. Tell me, Deceit.
Should we talk about yours?” She sneered.

Janus fell silent, staring at her with a frown hidden beneath his mask. " do you know she's my mother?"

She scowled, looking back at her son. "It's hard to find anyone who doesn't know. It's practically her marketing."

Janus paled. Yet another reason why he would never be seen as a hero again. The entire city knew who he really was. That would be a stain on him forever if he were to reenter the League of Heroes. 

He shook his head, forcing himself to put that aside. It was a problem he could deal with later. Right now, there were more pressing concerns. 

“I need to be let out. I’m begging you here.” Janus said once more. “The city depends on it.” 

Remy’s mother. “Don’t think I can be so easily manipulated. I can see through your lies, Decei--”

“I know how to get Morality’s powers back.” Janus cut in.

He had really hoped he wouldn’t need to reveal that particular piece of information, but desperate times call for desperate measures. 

“What?” She murmured, before her eyebrows abruptly furrowed. “Of course you do. I would be surprised if you didn’t know.” She scoffed. “Just because you know how, doesn't mean that’s why you want to be released.” 

“I swear it.” Janus promised. “What can I do to make you believe me?” 

She narrowed her eyes at him. “...Tell me something. Something that the villains would never reveal.” 

Janus glanced away in thought, wracking his brain for something other than what immediately came to mind. He pursed his lips, unsure how to proceed. Remy’s mother stared at him expectantly, and eventually, he sighed and met her eyes again.

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