Chapter 27

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Janus woke up alone.

His head was pounding, and he groaned immediately. 

He seemed to have been shifted while he was sleeping, moved so that he was laying down on the couch instead of sitting up. There was a blanket placed over him, and a pillow underneath his head.

“Janus, you awake?” 

He sat up, glancing towards the source of the voice. 

It was Patton, who was in the kitchen. He was mixing something in a bowl, smiling at him. 

Janus’ eyes widened, the memories from the day prior hitting him like a truck.

Reflexively, his hand reached to his pocket, feeling the glass of the vial brush against his fingers. 

“Are you alright?” Patton put down the bowl upon seeing his expression, a look of concern on his face. “You’ve gone pale.” 

Janus swallowed. “My head just hurts a bit, Pat. I’m fine, really.” 

That was true. His headache did not subside as he grew more awake. Probably a side effect of the freaky powder Facilier had blown at him. 

Patton sat down next to him on the couch. “Do you want me to make you some tea?” He asked softly, which Janus was silently thankful for. “It’s no trouble at all. I was thinking of making some anyway.” 

Janus pursed his lips glancing away. “I dunno, Pat…” 

“I’ll make you some.” Patton decided, standing up again and heading back to the kitchen. “It can go with my banana bread.” 

Janus watched him go, sighing a bit. “What time is it?” 

“A quarter till two.” Logan answered him, walking into the room with an empty coffee mug in his hand.

“A quarter till--? It’s 1:45?” Janus’ eyes widened. “Wha--Why did no one wake me up?” 

“You looked peaceful!” Patton grinned, putting some water into the kettle. 

“That’s true.” Logan nodded in agreement, putting his mug in the sink. “You were practically angelic compared to Remus, who was drooling on your shoulder, and Roman, whose snores grew from polite to disgusting as the night dragged on.” 

“I’ve never seen anyone sleep so soundly in my life!” Patton giggled, he suddenly perked up. “Oh! Jan!” His grin brightened. “When is your birthday?” 

Janus furrowed his brow. “Huh?” 

“Your birthday!” Patton repeated. 

“My...birthday…?” He echoed, glancing away in thought. “Do I have one of those?” He murmured to himself, but both heroes seemed to hear it. 

Patton’s smile faltered. “Oh.” 

“Your mother is a bitch.” Logan stated simply. 

Janus frowned, but didn’t refute it. 

“That’s okay, kiddo.” Patton’s smile returned, this time a bit weaker. “We can come up with a birthday for you!” He thought about it for a minute. “Lo, when did we meet Jan?” 

Logan hummed. “Um, February...third, I believe?” 

“That’s your birthday now!” Patton clapped his hands together. 

Janus blinked. “Huh?” 

“February 3rd can be your birthday!” Patton told him. 

“Oh.” Janus nodded. “Okay. I can do that.” 

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