Chapter 8

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“Logan,” Janus mumbled into his communicator the minute he turned back into himself. 

The response was immediate. “So? What’d you find out?”

“There’s a trade happening tonight. They’re going to get a bomb.” He told Logan. “I couldn’t ask her what it was for without arousing suspicion. She asked me, or well, Noah to pick up the bomb for her tonight at 3. All I know is that the Dragon Witch asked for it.”

“A bomb?” Logan mumbled. “What could they be planning...?” He sighed. “Janus, we need you at that trade. We need to find out what that bomb is for.” 

“I was already planning to go.” Janus huffed. “I’ll need backup.”

“I’ll send Virgil and Patton to tail you.” Logan told him. “I’ll contact you at midnight tonight. 

“Oh, Logan, by the way.” Janus hesitated, wondering if he should bring this up to a hero. “Cruella mentioned something about a shelter. She said she was going to steal some puppies, ship some children off to Ireland, and murder their parents.”

Logan hummed. “I’ll look into it.” Logan told him. “Thank you, by the way. You’re a really good hero, Janus.”

Janus’ breath hitched. “I...I’m really not.”

“You are. You’re willing to risk your life for the greater good. That’s what a hero does.” 

For the greater good? 

Janus felt his fists clench.

Was he working for the greater good?

He thought he was. He wasn’t sure anymore.

Which side was actually good? Which side was actually bad? That had all seemed so black and white a few hours ago. 

Janus shook his head. These were the thoughts of traitors, and Janus was no traitor. He would stick with his mother until the end. 

“Janus?” Logan questioned. 

“I’m still here.” Janus reassured him. “Thanks, Logan. You’re very kind, but I think you’re wrong about me. I’ve barely done anything worth praise.” Janus looked down at the black glove on his hand. 

“Well, if all goes well tonight, you’ll have stopped a possible terrorist attack.” 

“Terrorist?” Janus echoed slowly. “Is that what we’re calling them now?”

“‘Villains’ seemed a little childish.” Logan explained. “You’ll have saved a lot of lives tonight, Janus. We’ll be in your debt.”

Janus perked up at that. “Yeah?” He tilted his head, a small grin forming on his face. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 

“I hope I haven’t given you any ideas?” Logan chuckled a bit. “Oh, by the way. Do you mind sending Remus and Patton back home? Patton promised spaghetti tonight, and I’m hungry.”

Janus laughed. “Yeah, sure. Bye, Logic.”

“Goodbye, Deceit.” Logan hummed, then quickly hung up. 

Janus sighed, looking over at the sunset. So they all lived together, huh? Like a little family. 

His phone rang in his pocket, and he quickly pulled it out. It was his mother. 


"Janus," she began, "how far along are you?"

“I’m working on infiltrating them as we speak.” Janus told her, leaving his position to go and find Patton and Remus. “It shouldn’t be long until I’m publicly announced as a member of their team.”

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