Feelings - Twenty Five

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I walked out of Deans bedroom about ten minutes after I had finished talking to Punk. I needed a few moments to think things over and decide if I want to stay, or go home. I choose to stay because I couldn't imagine having to tell Dean I wanted to go back home. I don't know if he would even care, but he might and I just don't wanna hurt him I guess.

"Hey." I said as I plopped down next to him on the couch.

"What did Philip say?" He asked.

"Well- well he's leaving WWE again. I think it's for real this time." I sighed "I don't know, from the way he sounded, he might be done with wrestling for good."

"Mmm, sucks for him." Dean said without looking at me, his eyes were glued to the TV.

"So, yeah. Sorry about before and everything. I'm happy I'm here Dean, seriously." I rubbed his arm making him finally turn to face me.

"Yeah, well rest up. We're going out tomorrow." He gave me a quick smile before getting up and walking away.


(Next Day - Tuesday - Vegas Strip)

"So many pretty lights!" I smiled as I looked around the Vegas strip.

Dean chuckled at me "Yeah, there are some pretty lights, cool looking hotels, can't forget about the drunks, oh and look-" he stopped and took a card from a man handing them out "can't forget about the naked lady cards!" He smiled.

I laughed at him "hey, you're the one who lives here!"

"True" he shrugged.

"It's really nice here though, honestly." I said before putting my hands in my pockets.

"It is, it's warm too!"

"Yes, yes it is Dean." I laughed.

"Yeah..what about tomorrow we go workout in the desert. Trust me it's the best thing." He said with a big smile.

"Uh sure, if you say so."

"Awesome. I do it anytime I'm home--"

Dean went on talking, I was listening but hardly. Something just didn't feel right; I don't know what it was but..something was bothering me.

"Deann" I said without knowing if I had interrupted him or not.


"I need a drink, I need a few actually."

He chuckled "wanna get wasted on your first day here?"

"Dude. My mind is everyone. Plus, something's really bugging me and I don't even know what it is.." I sighed. "Now give me alcohol" I smiled.

Not really something I thought I would say. For awhile now, I've been turning  to alcohol a lot. It does kinda scare me since my mother and even my grandmother (MJ) were both alcoholics. MJ was able to clean things up, but not my mom.

"Fine, I know a place." He said as he changed directions.

"Of course you do" I chuckled.
Dean and I sat at a booth at a bar (surprise surprise) with some drinks.

"I don't think I'll ever get over you and AJ" I laugh.

"Oh my god, please drop that!" Dean rolled his eyes. "We weren't even dating, honestly I just wanted to see what she was like in-"

"Don't even say it Dean" I squinted my eyes at him.

"It's the truth" he chuckled.

After a moment of silence, I had to ask.

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