Back At It - Five

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I had just got to Washington DC. I headed straight to the arena where we're filming Smackdown in tonight. During my three days off, I really let myself just hang a little. I took my time and enjoyed myself, it was nice to have a break from the usual rush of things. It was also nice not to think about work or any of my co-workers. Except for Seth and Roman, we texted each other at least once a day. Seth's a really caring person, that's all I'm gonna say. But I missed work. My job is my favorite part of my life honestly.

"Beau!!" Seth picked me up and spun us around.

"Heyyyy!" I smiled.

He put me down. "I missed your ugly face" he smirked.

I squinted my eyes at him. "You're so rude!"

Roman chuckled as he walked up behind him. "Ello lil lady" he scuffled my hair up.

"Don't touch my hair you ass " I smacked his arm away and smiled up at him.

Dammit, I missed these guys.

"Damn Beau" I heard a voice from behind. I turned around and saw Randy, Randy Orton. Somebody else I haven't talked to much. "You're looking good tonight" he eyed my body.

"Thank you?"

"Randy, her face, look at her face" Seth snapped his fingers.

"Sorry Seth, she's just so..."

"What" Roman growled.

"She's pretty" Randy smiled at Roman..more like smirked.

"Thanks Randy, you're pretty too" I winked at him.

Seth and Roman chuckled behind me. Randy winked and nodded at me before walking away.

"God I hate that guy" Roman said. "He's such an ass"

"He's not that bad" Seth rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes he is, he really is, I hate him" Roman sighed. I did understand why Roman hated Randy though, he truly did think Hunter babied Randy and he hated that.

"Seth" Hunter walked up to Seth completely ignoring Roman and I. "We're on in five, be ready" he patted him on the back and turned around to face Roman and I.

"Oh hi" I smiled at him. "I didn't even notice you!" I joked making Roman smirk.

"Cut the crap Beau, it's been a stressful day for me." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Well, I went to a spa on one of my days off. I recommend you and your wife go to one sometime. Maybe you would act less-" I stopped myself before I would say something that would most likely get me fired.

"Act less what?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"L-Less, angry?" I shrugged.

"Okay Beau, thanks for that" he fake smiled. "Tonight you've got a match, if it was up to me I wouldn't give you one but Steph wants you in a tag match tonight." He sighed. "Pick a partner, you'll be facing AJ Lee and Layla." I nodded. He turned to Roman. "You, you also have a match tonight" Hunter smiled..for real.

"Against?" Roman gave him a bored look.


"Ha, okay" Roman smiled and shrugged like it was nothing. "I hope you watch, I'm sure you won't enjoy it but I really hope you do watch me beat your little puppet Kane up, maybe I could knock some sense back into him and make him realize he's not a suit wearing guy, he's a freaking monster." Roman growled.

"Yeah" Hunter patted Roman on the back. "We'll see about that" he walked away.

"How in the hell can you work with him, Seth?" Roman asked.

"Uh, I don't know, the shows about to start so I gotta go, good luck tonight" he waved then walked away.

"LUCKS FOR LOSERS!" I yelled back.

"That's true" a voice said from behind. Roman and I both turned around to be face to face with the one and only....

CM Punk.



Sorry this is shorter then the other chapters but the next one will be longer! Hope you guys liked it! Please vote and comment c:

- zoya

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