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(Picking up from last time)

"Hey punk" Roman smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Hey Roman. Hows it going?" Punk asked.

"Pretty good man, nice to see you around again." he smiled.

I stood there kinda confused. CM Punk left the company three months ago, not on good terms. Nobody but Vince, Hunter and Paul Heyman really know why though. I was really surprised to see him, I never really talked to him. A few hellos every time I past him in the halls was pretty much it. He's somebody I look up to though; he's so badass and confident, he's awesome.

"And you are Beau Steen" he smiled at me. I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and looked up at him.

I saw Roman slowly back away from behind punk.

"Yup that's me" I smiled. "And you are CM Punk." I shook his hand.

"Yup" he sighed. "I'm a fan of yours actually." He said making my cheeks light up. Him, CM PUNK, a fan of me? Beau Steen?!? This can't be real!

"T-Thank you! I'm a big fan of you as well." I said with the biggest smile on my face. I couldn't believe this.

"You got a lot going on for yourself right now, don't you?" he smiled.

"Uh, I guess" I shrugged. "You know, just trying to stay relevant."

"Nah, I get what you mean" he rolled his eyes keeping that smile though.

I really wanted to ask him why he left and if he was coming back, but I felt like that would be the worst thing I could possibly ask him. So instead I went with...

"So what brings you back- what brings you around-"


"Why are you acting so nervous?" He chucked.

My entire face lit up. Well shit! I look so stupid now..I can't help it, this guy has been one of my favorites for so long!

"S-Sorry, it's just I really looked- I mean look up to you." I said trying not to sound weird in anyway. I guess it's a little too late for that.

"Oh really?" He smiled proudly. "Thanks"

"Uh, I'm sure you hear that a lot but I mean it." I smiled at the ground.

"Yeah" he lifted my chin up so we could be face to face. "But, it sounds a lot nicer when it comes from somebody like, you" he smirked.

"Phil" somebody yelled from down the hall. He sighed then turned around. Vince was making his way down the hall. "It's nice to see you again" Vince smiled and shook punks hand.

"Yup.." Punk mumbled.

"If you don't mind Ms. Steen, Phillip and I have a meeting to get to" Vince through his arm around punk.

"Uh, no, not at all. It was nice talking to you punk" I awkwardly rubbed my arm.

"It was nice talking to you too Beau, we should hang out sometime" he smiled before wiggling Vince's arm off of him and walking ahead of Vince to their meeting.




"FOR REAL BEAU!" Holly smiled.

"Yes Holly, I'm asking you to be my tag partner for my match tonight." I smiled at how excited she is.

"Thank you thank you thank you! I won't let you down!" She hugged me then skipped back to the divas locker room.

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