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"I guess I'll just be hiding around backstage then." I sighed.

Hunter shrugged at me. I took in a deep breath before getting up. Right before I left the room Nikki Bella bumped into me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Beau." She said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright." I gave her a small smile then watched her walk into Hunters office closing the door behind her...huh.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE ROLLINS!!!" I heard a familiar voice yell from around the corner.

I slowly got up from the table I was sitting at and looked around the corner to see Seth and...Dean arguing? I wasn't gonna say or do anything until Dean was about to punch Seth. I know he can protect himself but, I just had to step in.

"What the hell is going on!!" I yelled as I jogged up to them. I lowered Deans fist and stood in between the two men.

"This is none of your business Beau." Seth growled at me as he was still looking at Dean.

"I know, but I don't want you guys to get in some backstage fight or whatever! Hunter is in no mood for that kind of shit. He'll send you guys home, with no pay like he did with me! Or worse, he'll suspend you.." I explained hoping it would make them both realize that fighting backstage could get them into a lot of trouble. Especially when the show is going to start in two hours.

"Suspend us?" Seth chuckled. "He might suspend the crazy punk ass lunatic over there" he said point over to Dean. "But he won't suspend me, his top fucking guy.." He backed away a little.

"So what am I Seth? Just the crazy guy?" Dean chuckled. "Ever since this whole shield spilt up, you've been acting like you're the shit. The BEST thing that's happened to this company. You..you..you huh?" Dean cracked his knuckles.


Dean waited a moment before he charged at Seth. If it wasn't for me standing in front of him, Seth would've had to go to the hospital..Dean had so much anger in his eyes. It kinda scared me. I don't get why he's so angry though.

"STOP!" I yelled. "Everyone just calm the fuck down! Don't you guys have a match at summerslam in a few weeks?!?"

"What? A few weeks? That's a month and a half away, plus they haven't even conformed it yet" Seth rolled his eyes. "You know what Ambrose, just stay the hell away from me." Seth said before walking away.

I turned around to face Dean. "What happened?" I titled my head a little.

"The fucking ass crack came up to me and started talking a whole bunch of stupid shit. He freaking acts like Roman and I are nothing.." He growled.

A small smile grow on my lips. "This is so girly."

"What?" Dean looked down at me.

"You heard me, this is such a girly thing to fight about, you guys are lameeee." I chuckled before turning around and walking away. Is that really what they're fighting about? Something air head Seth said?! Not really what I would expect from Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.

"What do you mean?!" Dean yelled. I ignored him and kept walking away these two guys are idiots.

"BEAU!" Dean yelled before pinning me against a wall in the hallway I entered. I was no longer smirking. Due to my head hitting the wall so hard, my eyes started to water up. He stared at me for a little before shaking his head and letting go of me. "A-Are you alright?"

I nodded before walking away, again. I held the back of my head hoping it would help with the pain...I walked straight to the doctors room to grab a bag of ice. I was kinda in shock. Not really sure why though. This wasn't the first time he's pinned me to a wall. Although, he should never do that.
Roman and I sat next to each other on a crate backstage. My head was feeling a bit better, but I personally wasn't. I felt really hurt by what Dean did, that's weird too because I bet you if it was anybody else I wouldn't feel sad, I would be more angry. But I'm more sad that he had hurt me then anything. I also had told Roman about the little fight between Seth and Dean. Roman just seemed annoyed by it. I was also very annoyed by it, mainly because now Seth is mad at me too. I don't get him. I love him like a brother, but I just don't get him sometimes.

"Hey Beau.."

I looked over to my right where I saw Punk standing. He had on his ring gear, hoodie and his headphones around his neck.

I smile grow on my lips as I looked up at him. "Hey! You've got a match tonight?!" I hopped of the box and walked over to him.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm back." He smirked.

"Well that's awesome! Congrats...I guess?" I awkwardly smiled at him.

"Thanks" he smiled at me for a little before looking down. "So, you wanna hang out after the show?" He said as he put his hands in his pockets. He still had that big confident smile and I won't lie, I was screaming on the inside. CM Punk just asked ME out...to hang out..same thing, right?

"Hang out? Um sure." My smile grow bigger.

"Great, meet me by my bus after the show." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging away. I stood there kinda in shock.

After shaking it off I turned around to walk back over to Roman. As I was walking back I noticed AJ from the corner of my eye. She was staring at me as if she wanted to kill me. Made sense since I was talking to Punk, plus he had kissed me. I'm totally aware they've had a history. But that's not why I like him. I like him because of him. Man I bet you she hates me 100 times more now. It's to bad (for her) she doesn't get to touch me until I'm medically clear to wrestle.

Sorry if this chapter was a little boring...and short. Next one will be better (I hope). I hope you guys liked it!! Thanks for reading!

Vote & comment plz!! <3


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