Damn Dean - Twenty Three

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"What?" I laughed.

"Well, if you come out to Vegas with me...I'll help you keep your mind off things."


"NOT in a sexual way, gosh Beau" he squinted his eyes at me.

I chuckled "yeah uh, I don't know Dean."

"Oh come onnnnnn!" He rolled his eyes. "You really wanna go home, be alone in your apartment for three days trying NOT to rip your hair out until your match? Oooor, come hang out with me, and we can do tourist stuff too" he smiled.


Dean and I sat at our gate waiting to board the plain.

"So, why Vegas?" I asked.

"Well, you can live wherever you want right?"

"True...how long have you lived there?"

"Uh, I moved there like a few months after I got moved up to the main roster. What's up with all the questions?" He chuckled.

"I'm a curious person, sorry."

"It's alright, so why Chicago?"

"Well, it's a pretty busy place and uh...I don't know." I shrugged awkwardly. "I just like it I guess."

"That's a good enough reason, as long as you're happy"

Cheesy piece of shit...

Dean frowns at me. I guess I was making a face to match what I was thinking..As much as I 'love' Dean, I hate him just as much. I'm so bipolar with him. He's this big, cute (yes cute) funny, douche bag I guess. I can't stand being around him but I always want him with me. So sometimes when he talks, even when he's doing nothing wrong, I feel like beating the shit out of him. Mainly because of that damn smirk, and his eyes, and his huge ass arms, and...those dimples-


"Sorry you just annoy me" I interrupt him.

He squints his eyes at me "I'm doing something really nice for you here. I'm inviting you into my home, helping you from going mad" he sighs "By the way, why are you so pissed off about that slap, you should've saw it coming to be honest".

"I know, and I did. But-"

"But what?"

"But..it wasn't even on camera. I said what I said for entertainment purposes-"

"Bullshit!" He laughs "you totally meant every word. I'm pretty sure you hate the Bella's, the only reason you don't talk shit about them is most likely because of Seth."


"Stop lying to-"


"You don't have to be so rude about it." He crosses his arms.

"Well I'm not a very nice person Dean, surprise surprise.."

"Meh, that's true."

This is gonna be an interesting few days.


After taking a few photos with some fans at the airport, we left to go to Deans condo.

"Oh my god" I laughed

"What?" He gave me a confused look as he placed our stuff down.

"Your place, it actually looks good" I chuckled as I looked around. It was so...cool? I guess that's a good word to describe it. Classic movie posters framed on the wall, darkish colourful walls, a huge ass couch, a huge kitchen with a bar. PLUS, he has an amazing view.

"You've got a nice place" I smiled at him.

He walks up to me "you think so?"

"Yeah, one thing missing though"

"Oh yeah? And what's that?."

"A brick wall"

He frowned. "A-A brick wall? What do you mean?"

"Like a brick wall, have you ever seen one before?" I laughed.

"Explain" he said. I turn around to go sit on the couch but he pulls me back. "I like where we're standing, now explain" Dean said.

"Um, brick walls, I like brick walls and dark red paint, I like natural lighting and just darkness in general because it helps me not think. That's what my place looks like and you make me feel uncomfortable sometimes"

"Oh" he laughs before stepping away "uh, sorry.

"It's okayy" I said awkwardly. "So, where's the guest room?"

"Guest room?"


Lol hi

I kinda sorta quoted Dean on some stuff he said in this chapter about living in Vegas :)) wanted to make it more real (I got it from when he was on my favourite podcast The Art Of Wrestling..just saying). But bc I'm not a creep, I don't actually know what his place looks like. Duh...anyways, thanks for reading!!

Vote and comment please <3

- zoya

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