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I woke up the next morning feeling much better then the night before. I got out of bed and got myself ready to go to the gym. As I walked up to the front door I saw a note hanging on the door.

- Seth

I couldn't help but to laugh. This just proves how excited Seth was for his breakfast date with Nikki. He could have simply texted me. He most likely woke up hours before their date to get ready, then had a shit tone of extra time left over.

I flipped the paper over and wrote:

Sure, text me after your date :)

- Beau <3

I walked out of the hotel room smiling. As I was walking past Ambrose's room it reminded me, I should talk to him..and punk. Last night was too much.

I knocked on Dean's door, he opened it after the first knock, lucky he had a shirt on and was alone.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hello" He smiled back. "What's up?"

"I was wounding if you wanted to go to the gym with me? Plus I kinda wanted to talk to you."

He smirked at me before answering. "Uh, sure. We'll get some breakfast after." I nodded as I watched him grab his gym bag.

Once the waitress left after she took our orders I looked over at Dean who was already staring at me.. "Okay..." I started. "I kinda just wanted to say sorry." I said awkwardly.

"Sorry? Why would you be sorry?" He chuckled as he played with a packet of sugar.

"Last night, I felt, I felt like I was kinda being a bit-"

"Beauuuu" he rolled his eyes. "God, you put on this tough girl act but it really is JUST an act." He chuckled.

"No, I just-I just shouldn't have walked into your room like that last night. I shouldn't have 'snapped' at you. I was just having a really shitty night. Plus it shouldn't matter to me if you and Holly are a thing." I smiled at him.

"Holly? Me and Holly!?!" He laughed loudly grabbing the attention of other people at the restaurant. "Yeah fucking right!" He said in a lower voice. "I mean, she showed up at my door, the next thing I know she's in me bed. It was nothing more then that, Beau."

"You do realize you got played, right?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What? W-What do you mean?"

"AJ, she messed up my date thing with punk last night too, she most likely sent Holly after you." I sighed as I thought about it again..

"You had a date with punk?" He frowned. "Damn Beau, I knew you were a fan but-....really? Punk-"

"Dean! Do you not care that your ex girlfriend just played you to annoy me?" I interrupted him.

"AJ wasn't even a girlfriend, she was- I actually don't know what she was." He leaned back and crossed his arms.

"Well, she sure thought you guys were a thing.."

"Well we weren't, kinda. You know I'm done with her, I don't want to even talk about her anymore. Okay?"

"Okay" I chuckled. "Love is a weird, complicated thing." I sighed.


After we ate we went back to the hotel. I went back to Seth and I's room. I sat on Seth's bed and grabbed my phone from my bag. I noticed all the missed calls and texts I had. I should really keep my phone on vibrate or something...

One missed text from Seth, two missed calls from Punk.

I read Seth's text first.

I'll be at the hotel in an hour or two. Be ready :) - Seth.

Pretty sure he had a good date considering his mood. I didn't end up calling punk back. A) I don't know what I want to say to him B) I want to talk face to face.

I hate ignoring people but, I felt like I had too.
Seth and I sat at a little restaurant talking. I smiled at him as he talked about how much fun he had with Nikki.

"She's so, sweet." He sighed after he finished talking about their date. "I really like her Beau."

"Well good for you Seth. I'm glad you've found somebody who makes you happy." I gave him a sweet smile.

But honestly, I was dying to let out a scream. This made me realize how angry I actually was with AJ. Last night was a night where I was gonna spend time with somebody who has made me feel happy for a few weeks. Somebody who I really liked-like. Why did that little bitch have to ruin everything, dammit!


"Huh?!" I snapped out of my thought.

"I said, what happened last night? Are you ready to talk about it yet?" Seth asked as he shoved a chip into his mouth.

"Uh, well." I started. "Punk and I were gonna hang out last night in his tour bus. I was waiting by his bus after the show like he had asked me too. As he was walking over to me, AJ kinda pulled him aside and kissed him blah blah blah." I let out a deep breath. "Then she sent Holly to Dean's room, and I don't get what the point of that was but, last night was just really shitty." I leaned back in my chair.

"Have you talked to punk?....or Dean"

"I had breakfast with Dean, I don't know why I'm holding back on talking to Punk. Since I've woken up he's called me four times."

"Well, today is out day off, do it tomorrow at that house show." Seth suggested.

"Yeah I guess I should...anyways, have you talked to Dean yet? After your little fight." I changed the subject.

"Nope." He rolled his eyes.

"Who are you rolling your eyes at." Roman chuckled as he joined us at the table.

"What are you doing here?" I asked but quickly shook my head. "Sorry Ro, that came out wrong, how the hell did you find us?"

"Wow Beau, so polite." He smiled. "I have Seth on the find my iphone app. I was bored, so..."

"That makes me feel uncomfortable." Seth said.

We went on talking about Seth being a dick, in front of Seth. We agreed that if I talk to Punk tomorrow, Seth would apologize to Dean.. After more talking and eating we went back to the hotel. I grabbed my stuff and got my own room so I could relax and let Seth be alone or whatever.

The first thing I did when I got to my new room was take a bath, god I needed one.
A/N much food involved in this chapter. To be fair I wrote most of this during school, I get hungry the most during school. ANYWAYS, I've got a great idea for the next chapter! I hope it comes out good.

Guys, I have over 4k votes (in total) omg, what, why, who, me? Oh. (Idk) THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEING AMAZING AND VOTING AND STUFF. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Let's all be best friends tbh. I'm weird omg sorry...thanks for reading k bye.

Vote & comment plz! <3


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