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(Picking up from last time)

We all went back to the hotel and changed into 'clubbing outfits' then got into one car together.

"Okay guys, nobody get too wild tonight. We still have to drive to the next city tonight!" Seth said.

"Shut up Seth." Dean growled.

"You don't have to be so rude" I growled back at him for growling at Seth. We growled a lot. We're a strange group of people...I mean, we do beat people up for a living.

"All of you shut up!" Roman yelled. "Shit sorry Seth, everyone BUT Seth shut up. Cause you know he's speaking the truth." Roman started the car and drove us to the club in silence.




Seth's POV

Roman and I sat across Beau and Dean in the booth at the club. They were about to go dancing but first they were taking many, many..shots. This isn't Beau, Beaus mother was-- and still could be an alcoholic..she hates drinking too much, she dislikes being around drunk people. I see what she's trying to do though, prove Dean wrong. She wants to show him that she could have a great time getting wild or whatever. What I don't get though is, why does she give a shit about what Dean thinks.

"FINE!" Beau yelled.

"FINE!" Dean yelled.

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts then watched as they both got up and disappeared into the crowd.

"You know we're here, we might as well have a good time" Roman smirked before getting up and getting lost in the sea of people as well.

Oh joy.

Two Hours Later

"Lets go!" I dragged Beau who had Dean latched onto her arm.

"Get offff D-Dean...I'm sure AJ wouldn't approve of this!" Beau chuckled.

They're all oh so very drunk.

"Yeah what's up with you and AJ, Bean?" Roman hiccuped making him say 'Bean' instead of Dean' . "She's not really your type" Roman laughed as he got into the car. He was less drunk than Beau and Dean but still not fully with me.

"Shut up you guys!" Dean almost fell over but held him self up using Beau and I. "I love her.."

After a few moments of silence he bursted out laughing as did Beau and Roman. I couldn't help but to smile at how stupid they were acting.

I drove all three drunk ass cracks back to the hotel, sadly.

"Hey Dean" Roman said. "Is AJ any good in bed?"

"Ooooooooo!" Beau laughed in the back seat next to Dean.

"Uh I don't man. I'll let you know once anything happens." He chuckled.

"Rome" Beau said. "You got a girl?"

"Nah man" he laughed. "But I'm got a guy?"

"Nope! But I'm looking" she Poked her head to the front of the car. "I mean, you're pretty cu-"

"Hey shut up Bloo!!" Dean pulled her back down.

"What the fuck Dean, I'm just trying to give my life!" She yelled.

'I'm just trying to live my life!' Get me out of this car.

"You aren't allowed to d-date Roman" Dean said as he put his arm around Beau. "Understand- understand big guy?!" He patted Romans back.

"Dean, I will snap you in half." Roman said.

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