That One Friend (part two) - Twenty

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Beau's POV

"Oh my god, Seth is so freaking gullible" I laughed as I wiped a tear from under my eye. I had just told Dean a story about how Roman and I tricked Seth into thinking we had won the lottery.

Dean and I were actually having an awesome time at this bar. I might be a little drunk, but I'm still able to control myself.

"Man, I hang out with those two idiots almost all the time; I'm actually surprised that I haven't ever heard any of all this shit." He chuckled.

"Yeah, that is kinda strange. I pretty much always hang out with Seth and Roman, even when you guys were still The Shield. It's weird that I never really hung out with you until like, what? A month ago?"

Dean shrugged before taking a sip of his beer. He also seemed a little tipsy. "You wanna know something."

"What?" I leaned back and crossed my arms.

"AJ, she really hates you."

I fake gasped. "No? I had no idea!"

He laughed. "When we were 'dating', she pretty much always talked shit about you. If she wasn't talking about you, she was talking about us and our 'future babies'....God, I don't even remember why I even got with her in the first place."

"That whole relationship happened and ended real fast. But I'm totally aware AJ hates me." I smiled.

"Haha. what about Holly James."

"What about her?"

"What do you think about her?" He asked.

"Umm. Well honestly at first, I thought we were going be friends" I sighed. "But she, for whatever reason, decided she wanted to work against me so whatever." I picked up my drink and took a sip.

"So, do you hate her or?"

"Kinda, yeah. Plus, she freaking slept with you because AJ told her too, just to annoy me. That's kinda sad."

"Well she's lucky she even got with me!" Dean smiled.

He has a nice smile.

"Your eyes are really blue, Ambrose. I don't even know if this makes sense, but when you're happy they get like, super blue." I tilted my head as I stared into his eyes.

"Are they super blue now?"


He smiled and stared at me for a moment. "I'm gonna go grab us some more drinks"

"Okayyy" I smiled back as I handed him my glass. "But hurry up, it's getting late."

"Beau, it's 2:55 am"

"Oh, well then whatever"

I grabbed my phone and opened up Twitter to see what was going on in the world at now, 2:56 am. I smiled at some of the cute tweets I got from fans earlier on in the day and chuckled at the hate.

"I thought he would never leave." A large man said as he took Dean's seat across from me in our booth. "Hi, I'm Josh." The large man gave me a big smile while he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

I awkwardly smiled back and shook his hand. "Beau.."

"Interesting name"

"Really? I guess I'm just use to it.." I said.

Before he could even say something, Dean - thankfully - came back to our table.

"Who's this?" Dean asked with our two beers in hand.

"Dean, josh. Josh, Dean." I said before grabbing my drink from his hand.

"H-hey, I know who you guys are now. You guys are from the WWF!"

"WWE" Dean and I said at the same time.

"Sorry, it's been awhile since I watched. Although, my brother watches all the time." He laughed.

"Cool" I smiled.

"Do you guys mind if I get an autograph for him?"

"Not at all dude, what do you want us to sign?" Dean asked nicely.

"Here" Josh pulled out a ripped paper out of his pocket.

Dean grabbed it first and signed it and left a little note. I did the same.

"Thanks guys, means a lot!..but Beau, do you mind giving me my own little autograph?" He giggled.

I stared at him blankly, as did Dean. I was pretty sure he was drunk at this point. I don't know if it was the wreak of alcohol, or the extremely red eyes that gave it away...But those could mean a lot of things.

"Sure?" I said.

I once again picked up the pen. "No no, here" Josh said while handing me his phone. I stared at the empty contact page.

"Uh Jo-"

"Josh, I understand the fact that you're over here asking a beautiful WWE diva for her phone number. Although, it may not be a good idea to do it in front of her WWE superstar boyfriend who's not as drunk as you and would be prepared to knock you out in a second, if you were to ask for anything else."

Dean smiled. Josh's smiled dropped.

"Oh man, I'm sorry." Josh said awkwardly. "Thanks again though." He grabbed his phone and walked away almost knocking over four other people.

"My herooooo" I chuckled.

"Come on, let's go." Dean laughed.



Beau's Hotel Room - 3:40 am

"Thanks Dean" I hugged him. "Thanks for the fun night out, the laughs, the protecting me from putting that guy down, just thanks for everything tonight. I know I've been a bitch to you a lot but ugh, yeah." I giggled.

"No problem bee."

"Can we stop with the whole 'bee' thing?"


"Well, it was worth a shot."I chuckled. "Anyways, goodnight Bean- I mean Dean ha ha, goodnight!"

"Don't call me that." He squinted his eyes at me before he walked out of my room.

I closed the door, hopped into bed and quickly fell asleep. It was along day.


Hello internet people :)

Honestly, I wanted this to go on longer but then I would have to leave you with another cliffhanger and ugh...not this time...Also, the reason why I did a part one and a two of this chapter was because it was basically talking about Dean and Beau's little adventure so I wanted it together but in spilt chapters...I did this before so whatever. Anyways, thanks for all the love you guys are give this story!! It means a lot! Thanks for reading!

Vote & comments please <3

- Zoya

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