Three Days - Thirty One

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*a/n: I've kinda sorta noticed that I've really f*cked this story up. So if a few odd things happen through out the story so I can add in little details just go with it please.*


Monday March 15th, 2015 - Chicago - Beau's apartment

I smiled as I stepped into my apartment. I should be at an arena in some other city getting ready for a RAW but no, I'm home. Thankfully, I managed to get Hunter to give me a few days off to 'clear my head'.

That's crazy.

He would never do that, not unless there was a really good reason. Apparently, me needing time off to think about agreeing to their plan on getting Nikki the divas championship was a good reason. Although that's not really why I'm so excited to be home. I finally get to spend time with Mr. CM Punk.

Later on today we'll be having dinner, talking, catching up, getting to know each other and I'm excited as hell. I've pushed everything AJ has said away and as well as my time with Dean.

Dean's POV

"L-Like, I don't g-get it" I said as I continued punching the punching bag. "Roman, we fucking kissed." I stopped for a moment to turn to my friend. "And it was a fucking great kiss."

"Dude" Roman chuckled. "It's Beau" he simply said.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"She's like- she gets lost so freaking easily. She's a smart girl, don't get me wrong. But honestly, when things kinda get tough, if she has too much on her plate, she gets into like a.. silent panic. She doesn't even know she's panicking until it all hits her all at once-"

"Get to the point Ro."

"She needs guidance. She needs to talk to somebody who actually can help her.." He said as he stood up. "I wanna say you can, but I'm afraid you're just gonna-"

"Tell her what I want to hear? That I want her to give me a chance? C'mon Roman! I'm not like that man. I'm not gonna chase after a fucking girl. If she wants me, she'll come.. And I mean that in more-"

"God dammit Dean, Beau's one of my best friends. Don't get all sexual an shit.." Roman rolled his eyes before picking up his water bottle. "See ya at the arena bro."

"Yeah yeah" I chuckled before turning back to the punching bag.

Yeah sure, Beau was a little bit of a bitch at first. And yeah, she's had me thinking things I haven't really ever thought before. Hell, she's even made me feel, jealous. When I kissed her, It was my way of finding out if I was really feeling what I thought I might be feeling.

And I think I'm right about those feelings.

Beau's POV

"Well that was fun" I smiled at Punk before pushing the door open to my apartment.

"It was" he smiled. "So uh, could we talk about something actually.."

Shit. Why is he acting like this? What did I do? No, no... What did he do?

"Sure?" I frowned as I sat next to him on my couch.

"Okay look, I really fucking like you" he smiled for a moment, so did I. "But-"


"Yes, but" his smile is now completely gone. "If you- like... Look, if you have to choose between me and someone else, pick them. I don't want to spend the rest of my life or even a few months with someone who is going to be questioning if they made the right choice or not. Also, I don't want you to be confused like that. It's not fair, to either of us.."


"What are you- I'm confused..."

He sighed. "AJ called me, she told me about what happened between you and Dean in Vegas. Look, I get it, you guys have like a thing for each other and neither of you want to except it or something, but I'm gonna help you, because-"

"Phil" I interrupted him. "I literally asked for three days off to come here and hang out with you, somebody I like-"

"Beau!" He stood up. "I saw this coming. I should have stopped going after you right when I noticed something was up between the two of you.."

I rolled my eyes. "He's just a friend, and right now, you are too. So what if I kissed- he kissed me! It's not like you and I are dating or anything!" I yelled standing up as well. "I like you, a lot actually. That's why I'm here you dumb shit!"

I tend to say things like this to people I like, and don't like, everyone really. I like swearing.

"Well I like you too, dammit.."

"Then why are you bringing up Dean?

"Because you kissed him.."

"No, he kissed me-"

I may have kissed back, that's not important right now.

"Phil, really, that was nothing. Dean and I haven't even spoken about it.. It's like it never happened" I smiled at him.

"So," he took a step closer to me "let's just say I asked you to be my girlfriend, right now, what would you say?"

I smirked at him "I would say, yes..."

He smiled at me. "Good to know."

He plopped down on the couch and grabbed the tv remote.

This guy.

"Uh, okay?" I said awkwardly before sitting next to him.

He laughed at awkwardness before pulling me towards himself and kissing my lips.

And at that moment, I realized something that would have been good to know about three minutes ago.




I HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG GOD DAMN IM SORRY. I'm so unmotivated to update any of my books. If it helps, I'm writing a new story. I really wanna publish it but I'm scared lolz. Sorry this was short. Thanks for 1k followers yay.


Instagram: scruffyambrose
Twitter: httpcena

- zoya

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