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"Shut up Seth" I playfully punched him.

"Hey, I'm just speaking the truth! I'm an honest man" he smirked before taking another sip of his beer.

"Yeah, sometimes you're a little too honest" I chuckled.

"This one time, he told me I fucked up a move during a match. Who does that! Don't you think I'm aware once I fuck up??" Roman said with an annoyed look on his face.

"I just like being honest. I'm also very critical, but that's a whole other side of me."

"So basically, you're annoying as fuck?" I smirked.

"Rude" Seth rolled his eyes.

It's just another typical Friday night. We filmed Smackdown then Seth, Roman and I would head down to a local bar and have a beer or two before heading off to the next city for another show. We've done this for about a year now, or at least since we all became friends. I met Seth in FCW, it took a while for Roman and I to become friends but Seth and I hit it off right away. He made a joke that only I laughed at, after that we became good friends. Once a lot of people, including Seth and I got called up to the main roster I became friends with Roman (since Seth and Roman did work together). They worked in a group called the Shield. There was a third guy, Dean Ambrose, but it's weird, I hardly ever got to talk to him. Seth broke the group up but him and Roman still hang out outside the ring.

As we were talking about Seth being too honest and judgmental, Roman's phone rang.


"Who is it?" Seth asked.

Roman placed his finger on his lips. "We're at a bar with Beau" Roman said.

I'm Beau.

"Beau, she's a diva. You know the one with dark brown hair, uh, small nose ring, nice body, wears cut up shirts-" He stopped himself due to the look I gave him. He smirked at me and went on. "Uh, she was in FCW with us" He paused for a moment. "Whatever dude, I'll just text you the address" Roman said before hanging up.

"Did you just invite someone to join us?" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah I-"

I interrupted Roman "Who did you invite? You know what, you should have asked Seth and I if we're okay with who you invited, what if I don't like them" I made a big deal over nothing, just to annoy Roman. "And another thing, why did they not know who I am?"

"I agree, you have no right inviting other people out without asking the people that you're already out with if they're okay with it" Seth added.

"Calm yourselves, it's just Dean. He's bored" Roman said as he finished texting - I'm guessing - Dean the address. "And I don't know why he doesn't know you Beau, but he will by the end of tonight, so don't worry."

"Why would I be worried Roman, why are-" Roman interrupts me.

"Oh my god!" he covers his face with his big hands.

"You're such a teenage girl Roman" Seth smirked.

"I hate you two so fucking much" he growled. "And I am NOT the 'teenage girl' here, you two are!"

Seth and I laughed. We know he's just joking, or at least we hope.

Seth turned to me. "So how's the un-packing going?"

I stare at him blankly. "You mean my move?"

He nodded.

"Okay?" I chuckled. "I'm almost done, just working on hanging up a few things, then I'm done" I smiled

Midnight - Dean Ambrose (WWE)Where stories live. Discover now