Confession - Thirty Three

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Saturday March 19th, 2015 - 12:48 am Cleveland Ohio - Bar

Seth and I sat on one side of the booth as Roman and Dean sat on the other. It wasn't that awkward; everyone - but me - was talking. Seth squeezed my hand every now and then, I smiled at him.

"Beau, how was your time off?" Roman asked.

"Fine" I mumbled.

"Mhmmmm, you sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yup" I flashed him a quick smile before taking a sip of my drink.

Dean and Roman stared at me - making it completely obvious - with worried looks. As for Seth, he was just texting away.

"Okay then," I rolled my eyes at the two boys across of me before turning my attention to Seth.

"Ring rats" Seth smirked.

"What?" We all said at the same time.

Seth looked up at us with the same smirk. "Ring rats, won't leave me alone.."

"Ring rats? The fuck is that?" Roman frowned.

"Do you know what a groupie is?" Dean asked.

"Yeah.. Uh like the people who get close to celebrity's to try and like fuck or whatever" Roman said.

"Sure, something like that" Dean chuckled. "Anyways, ring rats are basically the groupies of pro wrestling."

"Ahhh, I see" Roman nodded. "Come on Seth, don't tell me you would-"

"HA" Seth laughed. "Never man, never. Do I like the attention, yeah, but I would never get with on. I'm not like Ambrose over here.."

"What the fuck Seth" Dean snapped. "You dated a ring rat you little shit. After she 'broke your heart' you were a mess for like almost a year! So don't act like you've never fucked one before!"

"Okay first of all, that was private information you ass! Second of all, after we started dating for real, she changed.."

"Okay yeah, so that's why she cheated on you and y'all broke up, yeah?"

"For gods sake, she thought I was going to dump her when I got signed to the WWE!" Seth snapped back.

"So you see how fast she turns on you!"

"Okay just shut up man! Leave me alone!"

"I would have never even brought it up if weren't such a dick and treated me like some kind of man whore!" Dean yelled, his face now red.

"Sorry.." Seth sighed.

"Whatever" Dean huffed before picking up his drink and taking a long drink.

"Well then" I laughed for the first time that night.

"You guys are so cute when you fight" Roman chuckled making me laugh again.

"So true! I don't know if you guys have noticed but people ship you" I said.

"They what us?" Dean stared at me confused.

Dean is so behind on all these Internet terms.

"It's like, people think you and Seth would look cute together as a couple" I explained.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Seth looked up from his phone again. "No!"

"Calm down Seth, they just think you guys would look cute together" I chucked. "Your ship name is- uh..what was it..." I thought for a second. "Ambrollins!"

"I love it!" Roman's smile grew.

"Me too!" I laughed at the disgusted looks on Dean and Seth's faces.

"Yeah well, that's not the person I want to be 'shipped' with" Dean almost whispered - I still heard him.

My smile dropped again and everyone kinda quiet downed.

"Um, it's almost 1 am" I scratched the back of my neck. "I think I'm gonna go-"

"Go where? How? Seth is too busy in ring rant land to move" Roman pointed out.

"Seth" I nudged him.

He didn't say anything; he just kept texting. Does he not see me struggling here? One second he's holding my hand feeling bad for me, the next, he doesn't give two shits about where I am or who I'm with.

"What's the rush?" Dean questioned.

"Um, media, I have a radio show at 6 tomorrow" I told the truth. "It's a three hour drive to the next city, that only gives me two ours to sleep and an hour to get ready for the show."

"Well, if you're really in a rush I can drive you" Dean started to stand up.

"No!" I yelled causing everyone - but seth - to look at me.

"Beau, let's go" Dean said firmly before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.



The ride was silent. Dean tried to make small talk but I shut it down. I want to talk to him, I really do, but I don't know what to say to him at the moment.

"Beau, I think we need to talk" Dean sighed.

No, we don't Dean! Is what I wanted to say. But I went with "about what?" Instead.

"The- like that time we- when we kissed Beau.."

"Mmm, do we really need to?" I awkwardly laughed. "I mean, we've gone so long without talking about it already!"

"Beau, seriously."

"Fine, fine" I sighed.

"Okay, what- or-"

"You see! There's nothing to talk about! Like you don't even know what to say because you can't talk about a kiss, Dean!"

"Beau, listen-"

I was scared. I don't want to talk about our kiss because I don't want to admit to him that, that kiss was amazing.

"No I won't Dean, okay!? I have a boyfriend, this is- this is inappropriate." I said before looking out my window.

Great job at making things worse.. I thought to myself.

I heard nothing after that. We both stayed quiet.


Saturday March 19th, 2015 - 3:40 am - Beau's hotel room

I have to get up in one hour and twenty minutes to get ready for a radio interview, but I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I've hurt somebody I truly care about.

The look on dean's face after we got to the hotel killed me. The way he didn't even say 'good night' or 'goodbye' when we stopped on his floor killed me. I don't blame him though, at all, it's my fault.




I'm sorry this was short. I hope you guys enjoyed it though, even though it was kinda sad lolz. Thanks for reading. (And if it's still Monday while you're reading this, ENJOY RAW!!)

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- zoya

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