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(Picking up from last time)

"Okay first off-"

"Dean, I said..GET OUT!" I shouted in his face. I walked over to my bed to sit down. My body was so sore and all this yelling, kicking and that one visit to the gym is NOT helping.


"No, no bee, no Beau, no nothing! I'm tired-"

The next thing I know dean is laying down next to me on MY hotel room bed.

Son of a bitch...

"I won't make fun of you, just let me talk." He said in a sweet tone. "I'll even ignore the fact that you smacked me." He smirked.

"You can talk, but I can't promise you that I'm listening." I smirked back.

"Fine, I'll take it." He said then got himself relaxed in my bed, next to me, oh god.. "I get what you're saying about that championship being the thing that brings all your hard work together. It's like that last piece to this puzzle, of your life!" He said as he stared up at the ceiling. "I also get where your coming from."

I turned over on to my side and actually listened to him..huh.

"I had a pretty rough childhood too...nothing to cry about though, I was a tough kid." He smiled proudly. "But let me tell you something Bee, you are one of the best diva-no. Divas is such a shit name, you're one of the best female wrestlers on the main roster, you'll get another chance at the championship. Hell, I'll even come stand at ringside to make sure that you become champion, one day. You're truly somebody who deserves that championship." He turned to me and flashed me a quick smile.

The hell? Did that really just come from Dean Ambrose.

"You look confused." He smirked at me.

"Uh, I just didn't expect you to say something as sweet as that." I shyly smiled.

"So you're happy now?" He asked, I nodded. "Good" he chuckled. "Sometimes you gotta speak from your ass and be cheesy as fuck to make people smile, but you-"

"What?" My smile dropped. "What do you mean 'speak from your ass'? Did you not mean a word you just said?!" I sat up a little.

"Oh come on Beau, we're getting along right now you-"

Dean we interrupted by a knock on the door. I rolled my eyes at him before I got up to answer it. I opened the door to find CM Punk standing there. He had his headphones around his neck, he was wearing black basketball shorts and a gray hoodie (typical). He also had a gray plastic bag in his hand.

"Hi?" I smiled. I was actually really happy to see him..

"Hey." He smiled back. "Uh, I saw what happened earlier, I thought it would be cool if I dropped by with some snacks and a movie."

Well then..

I smiled at him as I tried to hind my face from lighting up. "That's really sweet, punk-"

"Phil, just call me Phil."

"Oh sorry, that's really sweet Phil, I actually really would like that." I smiled.

"Who's this?!"


"Oh, uh hey Dean, I didn't know you were here." Punk said awkwardly.

"Yeah, he was just leaving, right Ambrose?" I looked up at him with hope.

"I was, but a movie with snacks? That sounds better then what I was gonna do.." He grabbed the bag out of punks hand and walked back into the room. Punk shrugged At me before walking past me.


"Aww, Dean this is a horror movie, you don't like-"

"It's okay" Dean interrupted me. "I don't mind, just this once.." He gave me a quick smile before shoving some chips into his mouth.




"Oh my god!" Roman bursted out laughing.

"Stop laughing Ro! It was NOT funny, it was so awkward for me!" I covered my face.

"What was so awkward?" Seth asked as he joined us at the table in catering.

"Dean Ambrose messed up my night last night!" I sighed.

"Haha, what did the little jerk face do this time?!" Seth chuckled before he took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Well, the 'little jerk face' " I smirked. "Ripped up my money, gave me a cheesy ass speech AND..when punk came over to watch a movie with me because he saw what happened and wanted to be all sweet an shit...he stayed with us. WHY DOES HE HATE ME!"

"Well Beau, maybe he doesn't hate you..maybe he lovesss you." Roman nudged me.

" that makes sense Roman." Seth added.

"Love? HA! Yeah right! Dean Ambrose is not capable of loving any living thing." I chuckled.

"Didn't he love AJ?" Seth asked.

"HAHAHAHAH!" Roman and I bursted out laughing. "Seth, AJ may have thought they were dating but guess what!? They were never really dating..Dean was just-you know what...I don't know what he was trying to do but I do know he sure did mess with the wrong crazy chick." I rolled my eyes. "I bet you she's been coming up with ways to kill him."

"Yeah, she's a really nutcase." Roman added.

Seth started talking about something Randy was telling him earlier. Of course, since Roman hates Randy he made sure to make comments after every word that would come out of Seth's mouth. It was actually pretty funny. I looked up for a quickly second and spotted her.

Holly fucking James.

I felt my blood start to boil, my hands squeezed my fork tight. Was I gonna get up and go beat the shit out of here right here right now? I should, I wish! But I won't and I can't. I'm already NEVER on Hunters good side so this couldn't help. But a match would.




"You want it?" Hunter asked with a smirk.

"Yes! 100 times yes! I need to get my anger out.." I smiled.

"Well Beau, I'm sure that would be a great match, I'm sure it would be very entertaining, but you can't wrestle. For three weeks." He laughed.

Oops..I forgot about that.


"No! I already have four other guys injured, don't need one of my girls down either." He waved his hand asking me to leave.

"Then what do I get to do? I have to get them back.." I said with a bit of sadness in my voice.

"You have a choice, smack talk for three weeks on a mic. Orrrrr, kinda hide out backstage for three weeks and then make an attack once the doctors say you're good and ready." He smiled.

I thought about it for a minute..

"What's it gonna be Beau? A? Or B?"




Hi!! Okay so I can start adding pictures to my chapters now because they added that feature for the wattpad app! Yay xD I'll just post some pics of Dean randomly lol. Oh and maybe if I finally figure out who I want to play Beau, I'll post her know..once I find her c: Thanks for reading!

Vote & comment plz! <3

- Z

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