A Deal - Thirty Six

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Monday March 21st - 2:21 pm

Today. Today is the day I fix ALL of this shit. I have 3 things that need to be done before RAW tonight and I will get them done. No more holding back, being too scared, nervous, no more. I was able to some how get myself so far while portending to be something I'm not, why not actually just try and be that, confident.

1. Make A Deal.

I had called Steph and Hunter asking them to meet me somewhere for us to chat. Chat about the whole Wrestlemania, divas championship, Nikki Bella crap. I've put that on hold for too long. It's time to get my shit together and give them their damn answer.

After Dean said what he said Saturday night, I've been thinking, about everything. And that includes this 'deal'.

I gave myself a few choices.

1. Tell Paige the plan and turn on The Authority.

Although, I'm not that close with Paige. There would definitely be a huge trust issues.

2. Just agree to the plan and see what happens.

3. Try to work out my own deal.

I'm leaning towards my third option. Just telling Paige and hoping she would want to help me out wouldn't be the best idea. This whole 'deal' thing isn't that smart either. They're asking me to help Nikki win the championship and then they'll give me my own opportunity at the title? Do they really think I would believe that bull crap? They'll probably send someone out there during our match to screw me over. I don't care how many times they tell me they won't, it's extremely hard for me to believe them.

But anyways, if all fails, I could always just tell Brie.


"So, you don't trust us?" Hunter frowned.

I sat across Stephanie and Hunter on a long table. They looked a little disappointed. Like they thought I would actually say yes, no question asked. I thought Hunter knew me a little better than that.

"Of course I don't trust you!" I laughed. "You're asking me to help Nikki win the championship and then you plan on giving me a 'clean' shot at the title myself? I know for a fact that match won't be clean, and I'm not gonna sell out just to get screwed over. No. I won't do it."

"What to you want, Steen?" Hunter crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

I took in a deep breathe. "You guys don't understand, remember my other title match, just a couple of months ago? How did that end? I got screwed over by Holly James! I learned my lesson; don't just trust someone because they 'seem nice'. I mean, I should have already known that.." I sigh.


"AND ANOTHER THING" I yell. "Apparently, to you" I look at Hunter "I've been 'nothing but trouble'. Why would you want to give me this opportunity now? Because me being 'better than Brie' or whatever isn't a good enough reason for me."

"OKAY" Hunter yelled. "What about you just join us. Be apart of the authority."


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