Midnight (part 1) - Thirty Eight

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Sunday March 27th - 6:35 pm - Hotel


"I don't want to go!" I whined as I laid on Seth's bed.

"C'mon Beau, it's a big night for all of us!" Seth said as he fixed his hair in the mirror. "Dean and I have a huge match against each other, Roman's in the rumble.. please come!"

I groaned as I sat up "Dean.."

"Fine" Seth turned around to face me "stay here, watch on the network. Be a little bitch, I don't care."

"Seth!" I crossed my arms. "He started all this, he told me that I'm 'too much to handle.' Apparently my life is too much of a fucking mess for him to be around! And you know what-"

"LETS GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEE!!" Roman yells as he walks into the room. "Y'all ready for tonight?"

"I am, she's not going" Seth rolls his eyes before walking into the washroom.

Roman gasps. "Bailey Steen, how dare you."

"I'm sorry Ro, I'm just-"

"Fuck Dean, man."

"SHE WISHES" Seth yells from the washroom.

It's the unfortunate truth.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SETH!" I yell back.

"Babe," Roman says as he puts his arm around my shoulder "I haven't seen Dean since RAW, after he kicked Seth's ass in the main event" he chuckled.

"I heard that-"

"Yeah, nobody gives a shit!" Roman yells at Seth. "I know you love-"

"Love?" I jump off the bed. "N-No, I don't love him Roman. I-It's just a little crush."

"Little?" Seth laughs as he walks out of the washroom. "Okay, sure Beau, sure."

"Beau loves Dean!" Roman smiles.


"Beau . loves . Dean" Seth joins in.

"Rollins, I swear to go-"


"I'LL GO TO THE SHOW, I'LL GO TO THE SHOW!" I shout. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!" I yell before speeding walking out of the room.

I don't like that word. Love.


"That was fun" I smile at Roman.

"Yeah, but she totally loves Dean."

"Oh yeah, definitely" Roman laughs.

An awkward silence takes over the room until Roman sighs.

"Look, Seth-"

"I know what this is about, Roman, I get it okay.." I drop my bag to face him. "If you win tonight, that easy makes us rivals, I understand. You do what you gotta do, okay?"

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