CM Who?-Eight

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Could it be true? Could Dean and I have really slept together last night? I mean we were both really drunk. Although I feel like I would know if we did or not. I opened the washroom door after changing and stared at Dean who was staring right back at me, smirking.

"We did not have sex last night Ambrose." I walked past him then started packing my bag.

"How could you be so sure?" He started packing as well.

"I just know-"

"Oh yeah" he interrupted me. "No, no, you're right, if I have had fucked you last night, you wouldn't be able to walk this easily right now." He chuckled. "I should've known."

As hard as it was, I held myself back from beating the shit out of him. I just rolled my eyes and zipped up my bag. I could have said something back, but instead I just mumbled "Hurry up."




It was a very quiet morning. After we finished packing our bags we grabbed some breakfast and got into the car. Dean got into the drivers seat and I got into the passenger, to avoid conversation I put in my headphones and blasted some music. I played some of my favorite A Day To Remember songs, it was all good for about an hour.

I felt my headphones get ripped out of my ears and pulled away from me and out of my phone.

"HEY!" I turned to Dean. My eyes winded once I saw them hanging outside the window. "Don't you dare!" I said trying to keep calm.

He smirked then let go. I watched as my headphones fell onto the highway road most likely about to get run over by a trunk or car.

"You're such an asshole!" I yelled at him.

"ME?" He laughed. "For the past hour I've been trying to talk to you nicely but you've been ignoring me!"

"I couldn't hear you..." I said actually feeling kinda bad. I don't know why though, he just through my headphones out onto the fucking highway. Asshole.

"Well yeah, that's why I ripped your headphones out, you idiot." He chuckled.

"You owe me new ones." I growled.

"Okay fine. I'll get you the best ones I can find, does that make you feel better?" He smiled.

"A little" I looked away and also smiled. The little ass crack is still a little cutie..yeah I said it..or thought it.

"You know what I've noticed about you?" He asked in a really calm voice.


"You blush, a lot." He smiled. "Like I don't know if it's only because of me or something but you blush a lot"

I chuckled. "I know I do, I don't really know why but I do know it's not because of you." I smiled at him, well the side of his head since he was driving. "You could say I have a blushing problem, I swear once somebody said I had a nice hat and I blushed as if they just said they loved me."

We both laughed.



"I called you a loser." he repeated.


"I'm rude."

"That's very true" I chuckled.

"You know-" Dean got cut off by his cell phone ringing. "Could you pick that up and press speaker for me, bee."

"Sure?" I smiled and rolled my eyes. I looked down at the caller ID and saw AJ's name pop up. I felt a rush of anger once I saw her name. She pisses me of so damn much.. But I picked up and pressed speaker.

Like he asked me to.

"Hello?" Dean said.

"BABE!!" AJ's annoying voice screeched  through his phone. "Where are you!?!"

"Uh, on my way." He rubbed his forehead with his free hand.

"Seth told me you were with-"

"AJ, we'll talk at the arena, okay?"

"..fine.." She mumbled then hung up.

"Aw" I ended the call and put his phone down. "You guys are too cute!"

"Shut up" he growled. "She's not really my kind of chick, but she'll do for now."

"Okay" I chuckled. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Did you hear anything about punk coming back to the WWE?" I asked.

"CM Punk? Uh no, why?"

"On the day I came back, he was at the arena for a meeting with Vince, I actually got to talk to him. Sweet guy" I smiled.

"Huh, well I'll let you know if I hear anything." He sighed.

"Cool... I would really like to see you two do a one on one storyline together. It would be really cool."

"You think?"

"Yup. You guys are both really good wrestlers. It would be a fan favorite." I said. "Just thinking about the amazing segments and promos between the two of you is getting me all excited! Holy crap that needs to happen."

"Yeah, it would be pretty cool to work with him again. But let me ask you this, who's side would you be on?"

"No offense, but I'm a CM Punk kind of girl" I smirked.

"CM Who?" Dean chuckled.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." I roll my eyes. "To be fair, next Sunday you're  gonna be cheering for your girlfriend, not me."

"Who said that?" He gave me a funny look.


"Never mind" he sighed. "I'm team crazy." He started tapping the steering wheel.

I nodded then looked away.




"Finally!" Seth ran over to us. "Beau go find Hunter he's been looking for you for about an hour!"

"Shit! Grab my bags Seth!" I said before running into the building.

Seth's POV

"How was the ride?" I smirked at Dean after we took everything out of the trunk.

"Fine" he smiled as we started walking inside. "Do you think Hunter's gonna be pissed at her?"

"Nope" I chuckled. "He's not looking for her, I just needed to ask you something."

"Me? Okay dude what's up?" Dean stopped and faced me.

"There's this girl" I started.



(I edited the bloofuss nickname out.)

YAY!! Update xD hope you guys liked it!! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story because it's one of my favorites to write right now. Anyways total divas tonight c:

Follow me on Instagram for a shit ton of Dean pics! @/Scruffyambrose

Vote and comment!!! c:

- zoya

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