I Saw That - Twenty Nine

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(Picking up from last time - Friday, Smackdown, arena)

"Well, d-do you wanna go first?" Seth asked.

"Um, depends, how important is your thing?" I crossed my arms.

"It's about Nikki and-"

Seth was interrupted by a deep voice calling out my name from the opposite side of the hallway. We both turned around to see Hunter calling out for me.

"Fuck, the meeting" I sighed.

"Beau, what the hell!" Hunter yelled. "Steph, AJ, Holly and I have been waiting for hours!"

"Hours?" I gave him a bored look.

"Okay, more like ten minutes.." He shrugged. "Let's go!"

I turned around to Seth "later?"

He nodded. Then I was off to a lovely meeting with four people I dislike.


"I love that idea Steph" Hunter smiled down at her.

"Thank you, I honestly think the fans will love it too" she smiled at both AJ and I.

We had somehow managed to be in the same room with each other for twenty minutes without killing each other. We just don't like each other.

"With all due respect Mrs. McMahon, I honestly feel uncomfortable doing that" AJ said in a sweet, but fake, tone.

Hunter and Stephanie both frowned. It was time for me to step in. "AJ, are you telling me and your bosses that you, a professional wrestler, 'do not feel comfortable' having a battle royal take place to find out who you will wrestle at WrestleMania - the biggest event of the year, an event anyone in this building would die to be in - for your divas championship? Are you telling me, your bosses and soon your fans that you don't feel comfortable doing your job?" I squinted my eyes at her.

"That's not-"

"No, Beau's right. That's exactly what you just said..." AJ got interrupted by Nikki Bella - who I guess let herself in. She rolled her eyes at the sight of AJ and Holly then stood by me. I was surprised.

"I also have to agree with Beau and Nikki" Hunter said.

"OKAY, alright fine!" AJ tried to keep her calm. "I agree to it.."

"Great" Hunter smiled. "Now, we've got loads of time till then. Just... Be ready, 3 weeks." He nodded at us all.

Of course we - Nikki, Holly and I - wouldn't be the only ones in this battle royal, although we are three - or really two - of AJ's biggest threats. Holly wasn't much of a worry (I think).

I was about to get up and leave when Nikki pushed me back down in my seat.

Holly and AJ quickly left the room and Nikki made sure to lock the door after they left leaving it just Steph, Hunter, Nikki and I.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"You and I, we gotta work together and take them out" Nikki said bluntly. "Brie- Brie is not good enough for this. I'm looking to get to the top and I know you are too. We would make a great team, and put on a great show once we start facing off" she smirked evilly at me.

I'm so confused..

"What is this?" I raised an eyebrow at Hunter and Stephanie who obviously knew what Nikki was talking about.

"I'm gonna go solo, Beau." Nikki sighed. "I'm dropping Brie like I dropped John and even Seth. I'm dropping everything for this and I'm only gonna say this once but, I need your help."

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