Close - Twenty Six

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"Nothing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing" Punk repeated back.

Once Dean and I got back to his place after picking up our food, Phil called me. I've been in Dean's room for about fifteen minutes chatting with him. He just told me that he feels like now that he no longer is working with WWE, he wants to retire and basically do nothing - he is financially able to do that anyways.

"I know I haven't known you for long, but I bet you you can't make it a week without wanting to do something.. anything!"

"Mmm, you might be right there. Although, right now I just wanna rest, you know?" He sighed.

"Didn't you just tell me you got up at six to go to the gym?"

"Force of habit.."

I laughed. "Do whatever you gotta do Phil, you deserve to be happy" I smiled.

He chuckled "thanks Beau. Um are you still in Vegas?"

"Well, yeah"

"Oh" he sighed again. "And when will you be back?"

"Actually, I'll have to go back to film Smackdown, and just work basically" I said as i laid down on Deans bed "then we have RAW, a house show on Tuesday, and finally Wednesday I'll be home until Thursday night.."

He stayed quiet for a moment before saying "damn these WWE work schedules."

We both laughed. "Wednesday, for sure I'll see you on Wednesday" I smiled.

"Cool, I'm looking forward to it.."

"Me too. But uh, I kinda gotta go." I said awkwardly "talk to you soon, okay?"

"Yeah for sure- okay"

We both said our goodbyes then hung up.

I took in a deep breath before walking back out into the living room. Dean sat on a barstool already eating his food.


"It's okay. Your food's getting cold though, you might want to start eating.." He said without looking at me.

"Yeahhh.." I said as I walked over and sat right next to him.

I haven't forgotten why I wanted to come home early. I wanted to thank him and just talk to him. I was gonna do that, but maybe not right now.


(Midnight - Dean's apartment)

What started off as a great day has ended up being boring and shitty. It's almost like anytime I talk to Punk, Dean gets mad at me.

We sat on the couch watching some shit TV show. We've been sitting here in silence for so long that I've actually been through a whole emotional roller coaster.

I've thought about Seth - he's probably mad at me considering the fact that we haven't talked since I insulted his girlfriend. Oops. I thought about AJ and how much she annoys me. I thought about Nikki, MJ, my mother..


Everything I came here to forget about has just followed me. I thought Dean was gonna help keep my mind off this shit. I haven't even told him about how 'happy I am to be here' yet. And I might not, because I'm not so happy right now. I'm quite angry actually.

"Hey, Dean.."

"Yeah?" He says without looking away from the damn TV.

"Could you turn that off?"


"I wanna talk."



He sighed before turning off the tv and turning to face me with a bored look. "What?"

"Well, I wanted to tell you that- that I was really happy when you asked me to come out here with you and hang out - so I wouldn't be alone. I really appreciate that Dean, really. I wasn't thinking about anything negative or anything." He smiled. I paused a bit longer before I started to frown "you see, that's the real reason I wanted to come back to your place so early - to tell you all that. But ever since we've gotten back, YOU'VE BEEN A COMPLETE AND TOTAL DîCK! You've ignored me for the past hour! You've made me regret coming here and you've made me sit here thinking about every one of my fucking problems FOR HOURS! I WAS- I AM GOING CRAZY AND IT'S BECAUSE OF-"

"Me?" He chuckled.


"Well Jesus Beau, I'm sorry." He grins.


"Look," he scooted closer to me "I'm sorry I've been quiet." He wrapped his arm around me, I didn't move "I'm sorry that caused you to go through an 'emotional roller coaster' " he smirked. He was awfully close to me as well.

Eh, I'm not complaining..

"I was just a little upset. I'm sorry, okay? But come on, I'm not your therapist, I'm your friend! Don't think I was sitting here the whole time enjoying myself. I was bored too ya know.."

I didn't say anything. I just nodded. Why was he this close? Why didn't he say anything if he was so bored too? Why- is he drunk? Nah...

"I said," he broke the silence "okay?"

"Okay man, chill."

"You're over it?"

"Yeah.." I moved away from him "Are we still gonna go work out tomorrow in... The desert or whatever?" I asked. He nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna go to bed then, it's past midnight." I sighed then headed off to the bathroom to get ready. I felt a bit uncomfortable. My mind was just kinda blank at the moment.


Oh hey.

STUFF IS HAPPENING IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! Also, when they get back to work I'm gonna introduce a new character. LAST THING. Quick question: are any of you fans of Harry Styles (from One Direction) or Matt Healy (from The 1975)? Well I made a new Instagram fanpage for the two of them; it's called @/ fvckyeahmatty. Also, I have a WWE fanpage, it's the same username as the one I have on here. Soooo yeah. All my social media (expect one) is in my bio. Idk. That's all. Thanks for reading!!

Vote and comment please!

- zoya

Midnight - Dean Ambrose (WWE)Where stories live. Discover now