NOC (part one)-Ten

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Tonight is finally the night! It's Night of Champions; the night I finally become divas champion. Also the night I finally get to beat the hell out of AJ!

I hopped out of bed to start getting ready to go to the gym. Once I finished getting ready, I stopped by Seth's room.

"Open up butt face!!!" I yelled as I knocked on his door.

Seth opened the door. I stared at him as he had a tooth brush in his mouth. He stood there shirtless and his hair is all over the place. My best friends very attractive.

"HI" I smiled.

He stood there with an emotionless face. I mean, it is only 9:30am. He's not that much of a morning person. Without saying a word he stepped aside and let me in, I walked in and sat on his bed waiting for him to finish up.

"Butt face?" He said as he walked back into his hotel bedroom.

"Yes!" I laughed. I was in such a good mood. Tonight I finally get to become champion. I know I will.

"Okay, but don't call me that in public.." He grabbed a shirt and his gym bag. "Ready to go?"




9:55 am - Gym

Once we got to the gym, we spotted Roman. Seth and I walked right up to him.

"Morning" I hugged him. I didn't care if he was all sweaty, I just wanted to spread the love.

"Haha, morning?" He hugged me back. "You're in a good mood today.."

"YUP! I'm getting my championship match. Of course I'm in a good mood." I smiled, again.

"Hey" Dean said as he walked over to us.

We all said hello back then started to chat about random things. Although Dean kept staring at me. He's not even smiling or anything, I can't understand the look on his face.

"Seth" Dean said. "Nikki's over there, and so is Mr. Cena" he raised an eyebrow.

Why would Seth care?

"Why should I care?" Seth asked awkwardly. Dean just stared at him for a little while before Seth put his head down and walked away quickly. Dean smiled then looked over to Roman. "Hey Roman, don't you have a doctors appointment to get to?"

"Oh shit!" Roman grabbed his stuff "BYE GUYS!" He yelled as he left the gym.

"I feel like you were just trying to get rid of them" I smirked.

Dean shrugged then shoved his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, I guess I was." He chuckled. "Excited for tonight?"

"Very! Oh, I apologize in advance for the ass kicking I'm going to be giving your girlfriend." I sweetly smile at him.

Dean gave me a strange look, but he quickly shook his head. "Oh yeah. Look, I don't mean t-"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" We heard somebody yell.

Dean and I turned around and looked across the gym to find Seth and John (Cena) standing nose to nose; they looked like they were about to beat the shit out of each other.

God dammit Seth. You've only been over there for a second..

"Oh shit.." I mumbled before Dean and I ran over to them.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Dean yelled.

"None of your business, Ambrose." Cena said without looking away from Seth.

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