A Walk - Thirty Four

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Saturday March 19th - 1:07 pm - Cincinnati Ohio - Hotel

After my very early radio interview, I spent some time walking around Cincinnati. I also ignored every call/text from Punk. I wasn't in the mood for anything. Although now I'm back at the hotel where I have nothing to do. And when you have nothing to do, the best thing to do is bug your friends, right? So that's exactly why I stand outside of Seth's hotel room ready to yell at him for talking to ring rats last night instead of taking me to the hotel.

"Beau!" Seth smiled as he opened the door. "We were just talking about you" he harshly grabbed my arm pulling me into the room with Roman and Dean already sitting on the couch.


"Why were you guys talking about me?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of Seth's bed.

"Um, Seth wants to go on a nature walk, like, with all of us together" Roman explained.

I tried my best to only look at Roman and not Dean, but I couldn't. Dean's blue eyes were staring holes into my brown ones. Fucking hell..

"Yeah! I feel bad for being on my phone last night so I wanted to plan something to do with all of us, together!" He slapped me on the back playfully. "So, you got any plans?"

"Uh, actually-"

"No? Great! Let's get ready!" Seth ignored me.

"Actually, Seth, I kinda have-"

"No Dean, no, alright? You don't have plans, Roman, you don't either! We're going on this god damn nature walk AS A GROUP, together, happy and all of that bullshit! That's it. That's what we're doing today, together!" Seth yelled.

"Okay "fine" "whatever" Dean, Roman and I all mumbled at the same time.

"Good. Now, all of you better go get ready and meet me at the front of the lobby in ten minutes!" Seth ordered.

"Do you mind if I invite another-"

"I do mind, Beau" Seth - rudely - interrupts me from asking if I could invite Iris. I actually like her. Even if she is dating someone I've had issues with.

"Yeah" Roman chuckled. "Seth doesn't want us to add anyone to our 'squad'"


"Squad" Roman smirked.


"I know, he's so odd"

"Roman, Beau, for fuck sake, I'm standing right here!" Seth crossed his arms.

"God, who shit in your cereal this morning" Roman groaned.

"Actually Ro, I think it's 'who pissed in your cereal bowl this morning'" Dean corrected him.

"Actually Dean, I don't give a shit."

"Well you don't have to be so rude about it.."

"Wow, could you two maybe, shut up?" Seth chuckled but then quickly frowned. "Now like I said, meet me in the lobby in ten!"

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