Not Your B¡tch - Forty Four

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Sunday April 2nd -  10:10AM

15 days till WrestleMania

Candice is great. I learned that very quickly. She's not a kiss ass, she just knows her place. Once you get to wwe, who you were before doesn't really matter up until you make a name here. Then all your other stuff will just add on.

It took me a minute to realize who she is but Candice is actually a pretty well known wrestler. It's pretty sick to know I have her by my side for a while.

"Beau" Dean yawns.

"Look who's finally up" I laugh before jumping back up onto our- I mean, his bed.

"The other night-"

"We don't need to talk about that" I quickly interrupt Dean.

"They haven't answered your calls, love. They're mad."

"Not unless we come up with a story!" I say before grabbing the note pad and pen that hotels usually leave on the nightstand.

"Beau, babe, you got your match" Dean says as he sits up in bed. "You don't need to lie to your friends anymore.."

I drop the pen and paper and lay down in bed. "You're right.." I mumble. "But they're gonna be mad, once they find out what I was doing."

We just sit in bed for a few minutes before Dean kisses my forehead and then heads towards the washroom.

I really am a selfish bitch.


I closed and locked the bathroom door.

"This doesn't involve you Dean. Go back to being Beau's bitch."

It's been more than 24 hours and Roman's words are still floating around in my head.

I like beau. But I'm not her bitch. Or am I? The more I think about it, the more I get why Roman would say that.

"Fucking asshole, sorry I found someone and you haven't" I whisper as I put away my tooth brush and step out of the bathroom.

"I'm not your bitch" I say as I stare at Beau blankly.

She slowly gets off the bed. "Okay? I never thought you were.."

I nod at her before grabbing a shirt and flinging my gym bag over my shoulder.

"I'm not anyone's bitch" I mumble to myself as I leave my room.


"Hey, this is Seth Rollins, don't bother calling me again just leave a message after the beep. Not this beep though the beep the phone makes. It's just a bee-"


"Hey Seth, it's beau, again, haha.. uh, please call me back I need to talk to you. So yeah, bye!" I hang up and lock my phone, again.

"Still not picking up?" Candice asks as she puts her weight down.

"Nope. Nothing from Seth or roman for almost two days and I haven't spoken or seen Dean in 5 damn hours.. hunter really picked a bad mentor for you, Candice. I'm sorry, honestly."

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