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I woke with Punks arm wrapped around me. We must have fell asleep during the movie, we didn't really watch much, we were talking a lot. Oops.

*knock knock*

I wiggled out of Punks arms and walked over to the door. Dean stood there with his gym bag.

"Hey" he said in an annoyed voice.

"Hi?" I gave him a weird look. "What's up with you?"

"I don't like being ignored." He stared at me blankly.

"What do y-"

"I was texting you, I even called you, I thought something was like, wrong?" He said looking kinda confused with himself.

"Oh, well I'm okay, nothing's wrong. I told you I had plans last night." I smiled. "Sor-"

"Hey Dean."

Dean and I both looked back into the hotel room. Punk stretches and walks into the washroom.

"Oh." Dean half smiles. "Oh, that's- okay" he laughs. "Sorry I didn't know, I didn't know." He shakes his head and looks down.

"Dean, it's not like we-"

"Byeeeee Beau." He smirked before walking away.
Dean's POV

I punched the punching bag harder than I had before, I punched it harder each time. Am I actually angry? What does Phil have that I don't- holy crap, I'm-I'm, jealous?


I gave the punching bag one good last hit before turning around.

"Wha- oh" I sighed as I realized it was Rollins. "What do you want, asshole."

"Well hi" Seth chuckled. "I uh, I wanted to-"

"Apologize?" I smirked. "For being a dick, an ass, for acting like a rich spoiled little girl?" I crossed my arms.

He stared at me blankly. "Dean" he took in a deep breath "I'm sorry, okay?"

I chuckled. "It's okay Seth, it's okay.." I licked my lips then turned back around.

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind..." He said as he sat against the wall in front of me.

"I'm fine, just thinking about the different ways I can attack you on smackdown." I smiled.

"Dean, really."

I let out a deep breath "Does Beau actually hate me?" I looked right at him. "Because like, sometimes, I feel like she thinks I'm an awesome friend or whatever. And then other times I feel like she wants to kill me? I-I don't get it." I rubbed my chin.

"I don't think she hates you, we don't really talk about you much Dean" he laughs. "But I do know that she hated you when you guys first met." He stood up and started walking away.

I stopped him. "What do you mean?"

"Oh c'mon on" he chuckled.

Well he had a point, I kinda already knew that. But what does she actually think of me now? Most likely just an asshole friend. But that doesn't matter because she's so into punk now.

"Can I go now, I have to meet Nikki at the hotel." Seth sighed.

I let go of his arm. "Yeah, see you later." I sighed before grabbing my gym bag
Beau's POV

"Do you have to go?" Phil frowned.

"Yes, I do." I said as I walked over to him. "It'll only be a few hours."

"But, I wanted to spend the day together.." He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

Should I ask him? Are we a thing now? I mean yeah, we've been on one 'date'...I think, I don't know! I'm lost, but I might as well enjoy this thing we've got going for now.

"It's 12pm right now, I'll be back at two or three, we'll do stuff then!" I smiled.

He smiled back then let me go. "Fine, have fun."

"Thanks, I will." I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door to go to my fan meet and greet.

"Hey Beau." Punk said making me stop and turn back around.


"What about we go on a real date, when you get back.."

"O-Okay." I said without a second to think. Wow, nice job Beau. He probably thinks you were desperate for him or something..

He laughed. "Well I'll be waiting."

"Haha..Okay." I blushed before rushing out of the room. I did a little happy dance on my way to the elevator.
(Back at the hotel)

The meet and greet went great! I met tons of amazing and supportive fans so that really put a smile on my face.

But right now, I'm getting ready for my first official date with Punk! Or Phil, I like calling him punk, it seems more... right. As I was getting ready my phone started ringing. I hopped over my suite case and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I picked up without looking at the caller ID.


Wow I'm so mean, I just left you guys hanging. Like who's calling her? Who knows!--oh wait, I know c:
Idk why my authors notes are always so weird and long. Ughhhh. Anyways, thanks for reading!

Vote and comment plz! <3

- Z

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