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I stood next to punks bus with my hands in my pockets. My head was feeling a bit better after Ambrose pushed me up against that wall...jerk.

He kept away from me the rest of the night. Honestly that really annoyed me. I mean, I didn't have anything to do the entire night. I had to sit backstage and listen to AJ and Holly's voice ring through the arena as they talked about the PPV. He could have at least kept me company.

The fact that I can't wrestle for three weeks is KILLING me. I can't workout, wrestle, nothing. I should just stay home but that would drive me even more crazy. Hunter and I talked before the show ended. We agreed that I would do meet and greets, and other media stuff for the three weeks I'm off the show. He was being unusually nice to me..

Seth was still being a dick though. Roman was the only person acting normal around me. Telling me his little jokes that he thinks are hilarious. I only laugh because of the way he laughs at his own jokes..

I looked up and saw punk walking over to the bus. I smiled to myself thinking about how nice this night would go. I still don't know if it's a hang out kinda thing or date, but I really don't care. I'm just gonna try and enjoy my night.

I watched as he walked over to the bus looking down at his phone. My smile dropped once I saw, her. She stopped him in the middle of the parking lot and pulled him over to a car to get out of the way. AJ, and punk talked for a while. Actually, a lot longer then just a while. I knew they had a history, and I knew AJ loved him. But she loves everybody.

The next thing I know, she pulls him down and kissed him, on the lips. I hate walking away, but I did. I went back into the arena and called a cab. I went over to a rental car place and drove alone to the next city. I blasted some music to prevent me from thinking, lucky it worked.
"Ambrose!" I whisper yelled as I lightly knocked on his hotel room door. "For fuck sake.." I muttered to myself before running my fingers through my hair. I felt so defeated by AJ, all I wanted to do was kick her ass..but I can't. Not just yet. I didn't cry after I saw Punk and AJ kiss, I mean punk and I were only friends..but that doesn't mean I didn't have feelings for him.

He did text me asking me where I was, I guess he didn't see me standing there. I'm not mad at him. For all I know he could've pulled away from her and slapped her, or I wish he did. I'll talk to him later. When I have more energy.

After I knocked a few more times on Ambrose's door he finally opened it. He opened the door wearing basketball shorts, no shirt, and messy hair. Wonderful.....


"Yeah yeah, it's me." I interrupted him. "Can I stay here tonight? The bag that had my hotel info is with Seth." I rolled my eyes.

Dean stood there and stared at me like I was from another planet. He scratched his head and just stared at me. I took in a deep breath before pushing past him into his room.

I walked into the room but quickly stopped. "Who was at the door-"

We both just started at each other for a moment. My eyes widened at her. A smirk slowly grow on her lips.

"Hi, Beau" Holly smiled at me.

I quickly turned towards the door. Dean grabbed my arms before I could leave. "I'll kick her out." He whispered.

I yanked my arm away from him. "No, you don't have to do anything for me.." I said before walking away.

AJ, fucking, Lee. She had this all planned out the second she saw me talking to Punk. Does she really think I would care if Holly and Dean got together?! Because I don't care. Not at all! Yes, I was a little pissed off about the Punk thing but Dean? Nope.. I'm mainly angry because she did all this. Why would she go this far to fucking annoy me!


I turned around to face randy. He pocked his head out from his room before stepping out. Gosh I hope I didn't wake up the whole floor. "H-Hi" I said awkwardly as I rubbed my arm.

"It's three am. Are you still looking for your room?" He chuckled.

"Actually, I just got here." I gave him a small smile. "Um, do you know what room Seth's in?"

"Uh, I think he was in room 386." He gave me a warm smile once again before saying goodnight and walking back into his own room.

I could have simply went and gotten my own room, but I didn't want to. Not because I didn't want to spend my own money on a hotel room, I just didn't want to be alone. I was willing to go as far as sharing a room with Ambrose, that's gotta say something. The guys still kinda a dick.
"Look, I'm sorry" Seth said as he sat on the edge of the pull out bed.

"It's okay." I said without looking up at him. I stayed focused on fixing the blankets for my bed tonight. Even though it's almost four in the morning.

"You're mad at me Beau, you don't have to-"

"Seth, I'm not mad at you. I've had a real shit day. I just kinda want to sleep." I finally stood up straight and looked at him.

He stood up and walked over to me. "What happened?"

"I don't feel like talking about it now, maybe tomorrow?" I suggested. "We could go out for breakfast." I smiled.

"Uh, I kinda already made plans for breakfast." He said awkwardly.

"With who? Do you have a coffee date with Randy?" I chuckled.

"Nikki, actually."

"Oh...OH!" I smiled. "Oh my gosh, Seth! I almost forgot about your little crush." I covered my mouth. "Wow, um, wow."

"I could ca-"

"No no!" I waved my hands. "Don't worry, I can bitch to you anytime, this, this doesn't just happen everyday." I smiled. "Congrats, buddy."

"Thanks." He smiled back before hugging me. "I'm really sorry Beau, I don't know why I was being so rude to YOU." He said as he stepped back. "I mean I had a reason to be pissed off with Dean, but not you."

"It's okayyyy, now get some rest. You've got a date tomorrow." I smirked at him before getting into my bed.

He smiled and kissed the top of my head then went over to his own bed.

"Night Beau"

"Night lover boy!"

FIRST OF ALL, Happy 2nd Anniversary to The Shield.

Moving on....hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading!

Vote and comment plz! <3


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