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I took in a deep bre-

"HEY!" I yelled.

"You're so slow, hurry the fuck up." Roman said as he walked past me into the arena.

I grabbed my bag and ran after him. "The least you could do is apologize! You're like a freaking monster truck and you just nearly ran me over!" I smacked his arm with my free hand. "I was being 'slow' for dramatic affect!"

Roman stopped walking and turned to face me. "Dramatic affect? What-" he chuckled. "Are you gonna be on the next season of total divas or something?"

"Fuck no, I'm just...I don't know, I guess I'm just-"

"Oh yeah!" He laughed "It's about talking to Phil, isn't it?!" He basically yelled.

"Shut your mouth." I whisper yelled as I looked him dead in the eye. "Shut it before I rip all your hair out and shove it up your ass." I squinted my eyes at him.

"Well that escalated quickly.." He gave me a disturbed look. We just stared at each other for a moment. "Okay...I'm gonna go now." Roman slowly walked away to the men's locker room. That man...just wow.

But honestly, I actually am kinda freaking out about this whole talking to punk thing. What if he hates me. What if he wants to be with AJ, OH MY GOD. WHAT IF HE WANTS TO BE WITH AJ! What if that's what he was calling me about! Fuck! I'm gotta beat the shit out of her!


I shook my head then turned around.

"Hunter." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." He fake smiled. "I'm just reminding you that tomorrow you have a meet and greet at a local mall." He smiled as he put his hands in his pockets. "Cool?"

"Um okay, thanks for letting me know.." I gave him a weird look.

"No problem, I'll have someone email you the info." He awkwardly smiled. "Well, enjoy your night." He nodded then walked away.

Okay? I swear this man has been acting strange around me ever since he found out I can't wrestle for 3 weeks. I feel like he's coming up with a plan to kill me. I shrugged before continuing on to the female locker room.
There is exactly one hour until the house show starts. Since it's just a house show, it's not too busy backstage. I knew it was time, time for me to talk to Punk. I knew exactly where he was and I felt a tiny bit ready. It was now or never, mainly because if I don't do it now, I'll chicken out any other time.

I walked right into catering and sat right next to punk.


God, what is wrong with me..

"Wow" he chuckled and put his phone down. "Actually talking to me, huh..."

"Yeah.." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Look I'm sorry, I just saw something that night, I felt a little hurt-"

"You saw AJ kissing me, right?" He raised an eyebrow.

I nodded shyly.

He smiled and got up, he put his hand out and I grabbed it. He lead me somewhere more privet.

"I don't usually, walk away without 'hearing the other side of the story' or, ignore people like I did with you..I never do that stuff, so I'm sorry, it was rude of me." I said as I played with my fingers.

"Nah, it's alright." He kept up that lovely smile. "I get why you were upset. I would've been upset too. But I'm just letting you know, anything and everything between AJ and I in the past, is over. Okay? I'll have you know I pushed her away and headed over to my bus to see you." He put his hands on my shoulder. "Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I smile back at him.

I didn't imagine Punk to be like this. He's really a great guy. Really sweet, caring, loving guy.

He wrapped his arms around me giving me a nice hug. I hugged him back and enjoyed every second of it too.

"But you know what this does tell me." He smirked as he pulled back.


"You, really like, meeee." He smiled.

"Noooo ewww! Boys are gross.!" I pushed away from him.

He chuckled. "Shut up, I like you too." He wrapped his arms around me again.

"Yeah...well I like you too, I guess."

"You guess." He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

Before I could answer we heard "Punk to the curtain, Punk to the curtain." Eco around the arena.

"What about we hang out tonight, for real."

"That would be nice...come by my hotel room tonight, okay?"

"Okay" he smiled then let go of me. Before he left he kissed my cheek quickly and jogged to the curtain.

I couldn't help but to smile.
I laid on my hotel room bed trying to find a good show on TV. Of course nothing good was on...Once I heard my phone ring I dropped the remote and ran over to it.

I got a text from Dean..

or should I say Dean the bean.

I changed his contact name, because I can.

Dean the bean: I'm bored.

Beau: I don't care.

Dean the bean: rude.
Dean the bean: you wanna go watch a movie or something?

Beau: already have plans.

Dean the bean: what, hanging out with Seth?
Dean the bean: he's an ass.

Beau: he didn't talk to you at the arena tonight?

Dean the bean: no why?

I was gonna reply but I heard a knock on my door. That could only mean one thing, or person, whatever. I got up and fixed my shirt before answering the door.

"Hey!" I smiled at him. He has a very lovely face...

"Hey" he smirked at me before letting himself in. "I ordered pizza, and picked out some scary movies." He smiled.

I closed the door and walked up to him. "Pizza, scary movies, you?...it's gonna be a good night."

He smiled and took a step closer.

Dean the bean: hello?

"It is gonna be a good night." He put his hand on my arm.

Dean the bean: k fine. I didn't want to hang out anyways.

He leaned in closer, his lips coming down towards mine.

Dean the bean: okay...never mind. I actually wanted to hang out with you. I don't know why though.

His lips finally connected with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Dean the bean: you're a cool chick Beau.
OMFG. Did you guys get what I was trying to do there at the end. I thought it was cute maybe sad...idk. Also, if you haven't noticed, I'm not very good at kissing/ love making kinda stuff. SORRY. Thanks for reading!

Vote & comment plz!! <3

- Z

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