Thinking - Twenty One

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Deans POV

Not gonna lie, I had fun with Beau tonight. She's a cool chick, we just kinda sorta got off on the wrong foot. I mean it means a lot to me that she trusts me; she's told me a lot since we've met. I like talking to her, I like being around her.

"Ambrose" somebody says from behind me.

I turned around to face Phil. "Hey man, uh, what's up?" I asked as I walked closer to him.

"Just wanted to have a quick chat with you, if you don't mind.." He said with his hands in his pockets while leaning on his hotel room door.

"About what?" I gave him a confused look.

"Beau" he said quickly. "I rather you come into my room, it's a little personal ."

I sighed before walking into his room. I don't like him; I don't like him at all honestly, he's overly confident and that annoys me.

"Now, I don't normally invite guys into my hotel room at god knows when in the morning" Phil started once he closed the door. "But uh, I was just wondering, do you and Beau have anything going on?" He crossed his arms.

I chuckled. "Nah, she's just a really good friend" kinda sucked having to say that.

He looked a little confused.

"But why are you asking?" I asked. "Aren't you guys like a th-"

"No, no, we're just- we've only really gone out once." He says "but I would like for us to become 'a thing' " he air quotes the last part.

"Okay, Um cool? Is that all you wanted to know.." I stared at him with a bored expression.

"One more thing. Is she like, alright? She was really down at dinner...I don't know, she said it was something personal with her family or something?"

"Yeah, some stuff happened in her family and, well yeah" I said kinda awkwardly. This was awkward.

"I know that, what happen-"

"Dude, I understand you want to try and help her or whatever, but she trusted me with it. I'm not just gonna tell you..."

"Right" he mumbles.

"...but I'm sure she'll tell you, eventually" I say quietly.

"Think so?"

"Yeahhhh, now it's late, I'm gonna go back to my room. Good night Philip." I say as leave his room.

Beaus POV (Friday - Local Bar)

Well, it's Friday again. Roman, Seth and I all sat in a booth at a bar with our drinks. I ended up getting a soda this time, I'm not really in a drinking kinda mood.

"Guys, I've got some 'big news'!" Seth smiled.

"What's going on big noes?" I smirk at him.

"Ha, big nose" Roman chuckled.

"Rude.." Seth rolls his eyes. "What I wanted to say is that, Nikki and I are going out on a double date, with Brie and Bryan!" He smiles. "And I've got nothing to worry about because Bryan and I are good friends. This is gonna be great!"

"Good for you" I lean back. "So, you're like really into Nikki..."

"Yup! She's an awesome chick. And I think at one point, you two should go shopping or some shit like that." He gives me the worlds cheesiest smile.

I stare at him blankly. "Sooooo, Roman! Anything going on in your life at the moment?"


"Wait" I interrupt him. "Make sure it's something we'll actually give a damn about.." I smile.

"What's up with the attitude" Roman squints his eyes at me.

"I'm in a bitchy mood, deal with it." I stare back at him. "Now, tell us what's going on in your damn life!"

Roman and I have a little stare off before he clears his throat "well, to-"


"GOD DAMMIT!!" Roman smacks his hands down on the table. "What the hell are you doing here Dean?!"

"I'm here to spend time with my friends, chill out.."

"He was interrupted a few times" I smile as I look up at Dean before he takes a seat next to me. "But really, go on buddy, we're listening."

"No, no, I'm good" he leans back and takes a sip of his beer. "It's not worth your guys time anyways."

We all started talking at once "No, we're listening" Seth says. "Come on Roman" I add. "Nobody really gives a shit" Dean mumbles.

We all looked over at Dean. "Sorry, I was kidding, we care...I think, well kinda-"

"Shhh" I nudge him. "Be nice.."

"You weren't so nice before!" He nudges me back.

"How would you know that? You got here after I interrupt him.."

"I was listening before I jointed the group, Beau.." He smirks at me.

Before I could reply, Roman interrupts "You two would make a cute couple" he chuckles at us.


"Dean and Beau? Nope" Seth laughs. "They can hardly be friends, what makes you think they could be a couple."

"What are you talking about Seth? We're great friends, right Beau?!" Dean looks down at me.

"Yeah, we're actually pretty good friends now Seth."

Roman and Seth stare at us.

"Friends?" Roman raises an eyebrow "huh".
After, the boys went onto another topic about random shit; I wasn't really listening. I was thinking about two things: my attack on AJ for this Monday, and Punk. I was thinking that before RAW starts we could hang out, but I need to be focused for the show..The thing is, we have three days off after RAW too, then it's back to work for a house show and Smackdown. I want to spend more time with him and get to know him, I'm just-I haven't been in a relationship for a while. I don't know how to approach him. I would've loved to spend this weekend with him but he's in another city for another show..

After we had all finished our drinks and our order of fries, we all got into our rental cars and started driving to the next city. Like always, I shared with Seth.

"Beau" Seth says "Beau Steen and Dean Ambrose, friends" he smirks to himself. "Ha..."

I could have said a lot of things, but I'm tired and not really in a talking mood. I was trying to forgot about someone, focus on my career, and get my love life back on track. That's all I wanna think about at the moment.


Was this chapter boring...I think so. I didn't know what to write bc I deleted the first one I wrote and now I'm starting to regret that. Whatever. I HAVE LOTS OF SHIT PLANNED. Beau's gonna be wrestling again in the next chapter so shits gonna go down! YAY.

Comment and vote please!! <3

- zoya

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