That One Friend (part one)-Nineteen

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"Um, yes?" I answer back. Who would be calling me by my real name?

"Bailey Steen right?" The man asked.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked.

"Well hi Bailey, my name is Dave."

I sat on the hotel room bed with a bored look on my face.

"And how may I help you Dave?" I sighed.

"I'm actually calling to inform you that your mother, Megan William, has passed away."
I sat across from Punk at the table. We went to a normal cute little restaurant near the hotel. I was trying my best to look happy but I wasn't. Megan, my mother had past away two days ago from cancer. Even though that woman put me through hell, I still felt bad. I felt the need to cry, thought I'm not sure why..

Poor punk, he was telling jokes, smiling, laughing. I was just...I was just trying to hold back my tears. It's like anytime me and him are gonna hang out, something ruins that.

"Alright Beau-" he sighed. "What's up with the fake smiles, fake laughs, quietness?.." He half smiled at me.

I would tell him, but I'm not going to. It's just another typical sob story about a girl with a shitty childhood. I don't really want to talk about it with him. If anybody, I would talk to Dean. I would say Seth but I'm not, I'm saying Dean because well...I don't know.

"It's just something personal; I don't really want to talk about it." I smiled back.

"You can tell me anything Beau, but I understand that you don't want to talked about it..." He nodded and looked down.

The rest of the night was uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry." I said on the drive back to the hotel.

"It's okay." He simply replied. "We'll do this again, on a better day." He looked over at me for a second with a cute smile then back to the road.

"Yeah yeah, for sure."

Punk walked me to my hotel room, but after he left I went straight to Dean's.

"Hey" he smiled. "You look pretty."

"Yeah I just got back from- that doesn't matter; can I come in?"

"Sure.." His smile dropped. "Is something wrong?" He asked as he followed me into the room.

I feel like I'm panicking on the inside.
All I want to do is cry. Cry, like that would help... So I just stood there, I stared at him with sadness and confusion.

"Beau, really what's wrong?" He frowned.

"M-My, mom died." I sighed. "She uh, she passed away two days ago, from cancer." I felt tears building up in my eyes. "And I don't want to care, as mean and harsh as that sounds but I really don't want to care, but I do. I care, I'm upset she's gonna even though I haven't talked to her since I was 18! I'm upset Dean, I've cried about this, I don't-"

Dean wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his body once he noticed my tears.

How have I gotten so close to this dickhead so fast? How long have we known each other, a month? And now look at me, crying in his arms...

I pushed myself away from him and whipped my tears away. "I'm sad."

He chuckled. "I know.."

"Do something about it, make me happy!" I crossed my arms.

He gave my a funny looking smile. "Why don't you go ask Seth, Roman, or....Phil? Huh? Or have you already gone to all of them, am I like your last hope or something?"

"..what?" I stared at him with a confused look.

His smile dropped. "Uh, I'm sorry."

I just stared at him. He took in a deep breathe. "Okay, let's go."

"Go where?"

"Out, I'm gonna make you smile." He smiled as he held his hotel room door open for me. "I'm gonna make you forget all about your mom..if that's what you want.."

"That's what I want" I whipped my eyes once more. "Let's go!!" I ran out the door, Dean walked beside me as we made our way to the stairs (because we're cool like that and we take the stairs).
Dean's POV

"Ice cream" I smile at her. "Ice cream, it makes everyone feel better, right?"

She smiled at me and shook her head before walking into the ice cream shop. Thankfully, they were still open.


"You were right Dean-" she whipped her mouth with a napkin. "Ice cream does make a person feel better."

"Duh." I chuckled at her.

She looked around the shop. She's hurting, and you can totally tell. The bad thing about Beau is that she's not very good at expressing how she feels, not to other people or herself. Beau has went through a lot. I'm not sure exactly what she's been through but she's at a point where she wants everything to be perfect because she never got to have perfect when she was younger. That's what I think...the one thing I keep asking myself is: why am I in an ice cream shop at almost midnight with a girl I use to think of as a bitch. Why do I even care? I-I don't know.

Better question: why do I feel the need to punch punk every time I see him? Why am I scared Seth is gonna randomly fall in love with Beau one day. Am I developing feelings for Beau Steen? That's all I could think about today.

"You done?" I asked.


"Cool, let's go see what else we could do." I put my hand out. She grabbed it and we're off.
"What can we do in Washington DC" I bit my lip.

"We could go see the White House?" Beau suggested.

"Okay Beau, yeah let's go see the White House at 12:30am. Because staring at a big white building in the dark is sooooo much fun."

She laughed. "I don't know! That's like the only thing I know that's here.."

"At least you're laughing." I mumbled.

"Yeah..." She looked down at her shoes.

She wasn't really suppose to hear that but oh well. "Bar?"

"Friday is two days away, Dean." She sighed. "Friday's are my bar days."

"Make an exception please." I tugged on her arm.

"I don't want to drink."

"I do, let's go!!"
"I don't want to be here." She crossed her arms and leaned back.

"Oh well." I shrugged before taking my first sip of my beer. "Let's just talk; get your mind off a few things."

"Yeah yeah."

"Soooo, how was your day." I nudged her arm.

"Shut up Dean! I know what you're talking about, the whole punk thing this morning. It's not like we banged."

I chuckled "okay, what happened?"

"He slept over..."

"HA!" I laughed. "Okay cool, what else."

"I had a meet and greet...and then Punk took me out on a date."

I tried my best to keep a smile on my face. "CM Punk on a date..." I smirked before taking another sip of my beer.

"He's a good guy Dean.."

"I know. I guess."

This is a two part chapter bc I want it to be like that. Btw Sorry it took me so long to update, I had two ideas for this chapter and I'm glad I went with this one. The other idea would be blah so whatever. "But Zoya, that's so basic having her mom die." SHUT YOUR FACE IT NEEDED TO HAPPEN OKAY.

It's almost 2015. TF? Um okay? BTW, I got tickets to go to a WWE show in February. YUSSSS. Okay..thanks for reading!!

Vote and comment plz! <3

- Zoya

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