Day Off-Three

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(Picking up from last time)

After Seth finally got to the car we drove back to the hotel in silence, he was still kinda hurting from Main Event and I was tired.

Once I got to my hotel room I walked into the bathroom and stripped down, after the bath had filled up I stepped in and let out a deep breath. I let my whole body relax once the warm water hit me. I put on my favorite song on and closed my eyes.



"OPEN THE DOOR!" Someone yelled from outside. I sighed before getting out of the tub. I put on a robe and walked up to the hotel room door. "Gosh! I've been standing out here for an hour!"

"Dean? Why do you keep coming to my room?!" I squinted my eyes at him.

He let himself in, again.

"I don't know" he shrugged. "I was out, doing stuff..I was gonna go back to my room with Seth and Roman but they're boring"

"So am I, get out"

"Beau" he walked up to me. "Are you naked under there?" He smirked.

"Oh my god" I pushed him away. I felt my cheeks turn bright pink. God dammit Beau..

"I mean you don't have to be boring, we could have fun" his smirk turns more into a smile.

"Y-You came here for sex?" I bursted out laughing. "You're very funny Dean. VERY FUNNY!"

He chuckled. "It was worth a shot" he laid down on my bed. "What were you doing before I showed up and made your life ten times better?"

"Wow" I crossed my arms. "Well I was taking a really relaxing bath, but the waters cold now so.."

"Too bad, I would've loved to join you" he smiled wide for me.

"You don't look like a guy who would enjoy taking baths. Can you even fit in a bathtub?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Alone, yeah. With another person? Well, you could always sit on my lap"

"I never said I would or want to join you"

"I know, I'm letting you know it's possible"

"Whatever, you're lucky I'm in a good mood or I would have called Seth and Roman to come get you by now" I said as I walked back into the bathroom to put on some clothes.

"Okay?" He laughed "but uh, why are you in 'such a good mood'?"

"Baths always make me feel good"


"Yeah" I walked back into the living room. "You should try it sometime. You know, instead of fucking random chicks"

"We've met like once, why do you think I go out fucking girls every night?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"I never said every night, more like when you're bored..and Seth tells me stories"

"Asshole" he mumbled.



"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. I felt like being nice. I mean I had nothing else to do, why not watch a movie with the ass crack and see how things go.

"Sure, why not" he shrugged.


"Don't you remember-"

"Yes, but I like scary movies." I sat next to him. "So?"

"I know this good comedy-"

"Don't worry Dean, if you get scared you can hold my hand" I smiled before picking one of the scary movies on demand. He didn't say anything, he just went with it.

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