He's Not Drunk - Thirty Five

5.9K 198 45

Saturday March 19th - 6:40 pm - Cincinnati Ohio - Hotel

We had gotten back from our 'super-fun-group-nature walk' and lunch a few hours ago. I talked to Phil on the phone for an hour or so explaining to him why I 'missed all his calls' when in reality, I've been ignoring him. We got into our first fight, already. He went on saying:

"You're gone for what, two days now, and you're already making this complicated?!"

I came back saying:

"I-I missed your calls because I left my phone in the hotel room! God damn, chill! It was a mistake.."

Then he went on and I kept lying, because that's all I do now, apparently.

As I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about how fucked up everything was at the moment, I got a text. I sighed as I rolled over to grab my phone thinking it would be punk- but it wasn't, it's Dean.

Dean: You still wanna talk?

Me: yes, I really do.

Dean: fine. Meet me at the hotel bar. I'm waiting.

Me: are you sure a bar is a good place to talk, right mow?

Dean: do you want to talk or not?

Me: okay, fine. I'll be there..



Do I want to talk to Dean? Yes, very much. Do I want to talk to him at a bar? No, not at all. Do I think he's drunk? 95% sure he is. Why do I always find myself going to bars? Sadly, I'm not sure. Why am I asking myself questions? I don't know, but I'm gonna stop.

I took in a deep breath as I got out of the elevator and made my way over to the hotel restaurant that lead to the bar.


I turned around to see Holly and Iris walking over to me hand in hand.

I smiled at them "hey! You guys look cute."

"Thanks!" Iris smiled back. "We're going on a date, our first public date" Iris smiled up at Holly who looked nervous as hell.

"Aw, well that's great. Hope you two have fun."

"Yeahhh, uh, where are you going?" Holly asked.

"I'm about to go-"


I turned around to see Dean standing at the front of the restaurant with a beer in hand. I fucking knew it.

"I've been waiting for ages, hurry the fuck up!" He shouted.

I turned back around to Holly and Iris. They both stared at me confused.

"Yeah well, I got to go!" I chuckled before speed walking over to Dean where I dragged him back into the restaurant.

"Are you fucking stupid?!"

Midnight - Dean Ambrose (WWE)Where stories live. Discover now