Calm Down-Nine

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"Haha" Dean smiled and patted me on the back. "Finally moving on after the whole Lucy thing?"

"Yeah" I gave him a quick smile.

"Oh come on Seth, don't tell me you're still upset about all that bullshit. She was a slut, a whore, a no good-"

"Okay!" I shouted. "I know I shouldn't be upset but Lucy meant a lot to me man."

Lucy was a short blond lil lady who I met when I was working at ROH. She wasn't a wrestler, I guess you could call her a ring rat? She slept with everyone. She would set people up in her little 'traps' and then take them. She did the same thing with me but actually stuck around for more than one night. We dated for an amazing two years; about a month and a half after I got signed to NXT (WWE) I found out she had started cheating..a lot. I ended it but I was heart broken. Lucky, I found somebody I might just like a lot more than Lucy.

"Whatever. Just tell me, who's this new chick?" Dean asked as we entered the mens locker room.


"Dude, it's not Beau is it?" Dean interrupted me.

"What?" I laughed. "Uh, no.."

"Okay then! Just spit it out!" Dean smacked the back of my head.

"CHILL!" I pushed his hand away. "It's Nikki, Nikki Bella. She's beautiful, talented, she's my kind of girl. You know?"

"I don't but I think it's cool, you guys would look good together. You're lucky her and Johnny boy ended things." Dean chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm lucky." I sighed.


"Hunter!!" I ran up to him. "I'm so sorry, I was stuck in traffic and I-"

"Calm yourself" he gave me a weird look. "What do you want kid? I'm kinda busy."

"Uh?" I looked at him confused. "I was told, you wanted to see me.."

He laughed. "No"

"Oh" I nodded. "Okay then, bye?" I awkwardly walked away. Why would Seth lie to me? I started walking down the hall to the mens locker room to get my bags from the boys and ask Seth why he lied. I hate liars.

I turned the corner only to bump into CM Punk.

"Beauuu" he smiled.

"Hi" I smiled back. "Sorry about that, I should-"

"Sorry? I was the one who was texting and walking." He chuckled. "Don't be sorry."

"Haha okay."

"Where you heading off to?" He asked as he took his headphones off and placed them around his neck.

"Mens locker room to get my bags from Seth and Dean."

"Mind if I join you on your walk?"

"No at all!" I shrugged.

He nodded then walked by my side.

I couldn't help but to ask "So am I gonna be seeing a lot more of you backstage?"

He laughed. "Uh yeah, I guess. Still working on things, you know?"



"You've got a big championship match next week" he said.

"Yeah! It's gonna be my first championship match on the main roster. Its been so long! I can't believe it's actually happening though." I said getting a little carried away.

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