Holy Holly (NOC part two)-eleven

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"Okay" he walked back into the room. "Now that that's finally taken care of." He smiled.

"You broke up with her? After what? Less then two weeks?" I chuckled.

"You said it yourself, she's a crazy bitch. It's like damn, we've been dating for like you said, less then two weeks and you're talking to be about getting married?" He laid down on MY bed.

"Wow..." I stayed leaning against the wall. "AJ, She's really something."

"Tell me about it" he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why did you come here?" I made my way over to the bed and sat down next to Dean.

"Didn't know where else to go" he said with his eyes closed. "If you don't mind love, I'm gonna take a nap."




I started stretching as I was waiting for my music to hit. Sadly, I couldn't get Dean out of my mind. I had left him at the hotel early with a note stuck on his head telling him I left, for after he woke up from his little nap. He looks so peaceful while he's sleeping, not like the normal dick he usually is. I don't know what it is about Dean that makes me think about him so much. He's a strange man..

"Beau" I turned around to the music guy. "Ready?"

I smiled and nodded.


This was it. AJ was down. I-I'm gonna be divas champion! My heart was racing, I knew I couldn't be smiling but I was because it was finally my time to shine. The fans were cheering, they've been cheering for the last 15 minutes. I was so happy with this match and myself. This was the night all my dreams would come true. I crawled over to AJ and went for the pin.



"HEY! GET OUT OF HERE!" Was the last thing I heard the ref yell before everything went black.



"Beauuuuuuuuuuuu" I heard somebody say for what sounded like the 100th time.

I slowly opened my eyes only to quickly closes them again. The light was so bright in this room. I don't even know where I am.

"Seth?" I hardly whispered.

"Beau?! Holy! Doc she's up!!" He yelled..which was really annoying.

"Beau" I heard a deep voice. "I need you to slowly open your eyes okay?"

"Well can you turn of the lights?" I asked.

I heard somebody sigh. "Beau please just open your eyes."

I took in a deep breath before I slowly opened my eyes. This only made my head hurt more but I guess if I had to...

I saw the WWE doctor who we all just call doc. I don't even know his real name but he's a sweet man. Also next to him was Seth and across the room was Roman who was laying on a bed getting stitches. Oh....

"Now what?" I asked annoyed.

"Uh, I think we're gonna run some test. Seth, do me a favor and don't let her close her eyes or drift off." The doctor said. Seth nodded. I looked up at Seth and he looked down at me. Then it hit me.

The championship.

"What happened." I asked with sadness in my voice.

"Well" he crouched down next to me. "Y-you know that Holly chick-"

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