Thought - Twenty Seven

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(Wednesday Morning)

Once I finished getting ready for Dean and I's work out, I walked out into the living room where I saw Dean still passed out on his couch. Maybe he was drunk last night - or just a little tipsy.

"Dean.." I said as I nudged him.

He quickly shot up "WHAT!"

"WHAT?!" I jumped back and yelled.

"What?" He rubbed his head.

"What?" I said confused.

"What, are we doing?" He chuckled.

"I don't know! I woke you up and you just yelled 'what' in my face" I laughed.

"Oh, sorry" he smiled. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright, now hurry up and get ready.. I wanna go work out."

"Fuck" he mumbled "I'm sorry I forgot about that. I may have drank a bit too much last night" he sighed as he got off the couch rubbing his back. I felt bad. I made a mental note to give him his bed back tonight.

"How though? We basically drank the same amount-"

"Not really. I may have taken a few shots once we got home" he said as he walked down the small hallway to his bed room - scratching his butt too might I add.

"What? Why without me?!"

He stopped and turned around, he started making his way back over to me. "Okay-" he hiccuped "you've been turning to alcohol way too much as of late.." He had a point "also, it was when you were talking to your boyfriend. I got bored." He turned around and walked into his bedroom.

After a moment of silence I yelled "he's not my boyfriend!"

"But you want him to be.." Dean appeared back into the living room, shirtless.

My eyes just stared down at his body. Holy shit. I'm gonna be working out with that? He put his shirt back on and just smirked at me.

"It'll be off again soon cutie, don't worry" he smiled once more before going into the bathroom.

"Frick.." I mumbled to myself.


(Somewhere in the desert)

"One more set and we'll- we'll be done" Dean said in between breaths.

Fuck, it was hot. In Chicago it's only 4 degrees. Now here we are in Vegas where it's 35 degrees. I mean we're in the desert too. It's beautiful and it's fun and everything, BUT IT IS HOT AS HELL. In the middle of March too. Usually still chilly where I live, I'm not surprised though, we are in the desert, in Vegas...

"Fuckkkk" Dean yelled as he dropped the weight ball. "Woooo that was nice!" He smiled.

I dropped my ball and stared at him blankly. "Give. Me. Water."

He laughed before passing me my water bottle. "You good?"

"G-Great" I fake smiled.

"Oh come on. It was peaceful-"

"Hot. It was hot" I said before wiping my mouth with my arm.

He nodded "did you like the view?"

"Loved that actually. The desert is pretty.." I smiled while looking around.

"I wasn't talking about the desert, but okay" he shrugged then walked away.

The dumb ass was talking about himself I bet. Is he gonna be like this just because I stared at him while he was shirtless once? I mean Jesus, it's not my fault he works out and looks fine as fuck.

Midnight - Dean Ambrose (WWE)Where stories live. Discover now