Fight - Twenty Two

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"You got this Beau" Hunter said "just play it cool, and when AJ and Holly least expect it....attack" he smirked. "Holly should be easy to take out, make sure you don't let AJ get away though"

I stood there giving him a strange look.

"Uh, thank for the advice" I chuckled. "But um, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? Like I thought you hated me or whatever.."

"Hate" he laughed. "T-That's such a strong word, it was- I never hated you Beau, I just had the wrong idea of you." He nodded to himself. "But really, I like you kid." He put his hand on my shoulder "now go out there and kick some ass.."

I smirked and rolled my eyes before walking towards the curtain.


Cole: So beau, you haven't been here for a while, why is that?

Beau: Because I trusted the wrong person Cole, that's why I've been so absent..

JBL: Are you referring to Holly James as the 'wrong person'?

Beau: yes John, I am referring to Holly James. She's a follower, she will do anything and everything AJ says. And you know, that makes me upset because I'm not gonna lie, she has talent, and it's a shame she chooses to work with somebody like AJ. AJ's using her, plain and simple.

Cole: It looks like Nikki Bella is currently dominating in this match-

Beau: that's surprising.

JBL: And why is that 'surprising' Beau?

Beau: Because she's doing it on her own. Just look at Brie, she is standing outside of the ring and not getting involved in the match..for once Nikki might win a match without the help of her twin.

JBL: Well you've gotta admit Beau, it's a pretty smart thing to do, if you had a twin you-

Beau: no JBL, if I did have a twin I would not cheat to win my matches. You win a match because you're good, you lose a match because your opponent got the best of you.

JBL: okay okay beau, so are you telling me, you have never cheated to win a match before?

Beau: oh no, I have. But unlike the Bella's, I don't do it every match.

JBL: all I'm getting out of this is that one, you don't like AJ, or Holly James. Might I add you called her a follower. And two, you are now saying you think the Bella's are cheaters and not good enough to win on there own? No wonder you don't have many friends Beau.

Beau: ouch JBL, that really hurt. But if you'll excuse me, Cole and...John. I'm back, and I'm ready to fight.

With that I dropped my head set and quickly slid into the ring were I started attacking AJ. Nikki slid out of the ring and stood by her sister. My plan was lucky working. I beat AJ down enough until Holly rushed in; I easily through her out of the ring again. Once I turned my attention back to AJ I saw that she was already standing so took that now would be the best time to fit her with one of my new favourite moves, a Casadora Stunner.


"Why you no tell me!" Roman says with a weird accent as we walks up to me.

"What?" I tilted my head at him.

He sighed "why didn't you tell me you could wrestle again?"

"Ummm, surprise?" I giggled.

"Ha...well I'm glad you're back" he messed up my hair a bit before walking away.

I smiled proudly as I continued making my way back to the divas locker room. Although I was stopped.

"Beau!" I heard a female voice yell.

I turned around and saw two angry Bella's making their way over to me.

"Yes?" I smirked.

"What was that you were saying about us on commentary!?" Brie yelled.

"I said, stuff" I smiled. But my smile quickly disappeared once Nikki had slapped me across my face.

"Don't you-"

I interrupted her by grabbing her by her hair and throwing her into her sister. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." I growled before walking off to Hunters office.
"HUNTER" I yelled as I pushed the door open. Seth and Randy already stood in the room.


I don't know who I interrupted but I don't care "I want a match against the Bella's, I don't care which one it is either!" I demanded.

"Well hello to you too" Seth put his hand on his chest. I guess he was the one I interrupted, whoops?

"I honestly thought they would be the ones coming in here after what you said on commentary." Hunter chuckled.

"Well no, they came to confront me and you know what, I was expecting that. But she slapped me, THE ONE WITH FAKE BOOBS FUCKING SLAPPED ME!" I yelled.

"Beau.." Seth sighed.

I gave him a sorry look before turning my attention back to Hunter.

"Match, me vs Nikki, Smackdown. Okay?" I crossed my arms.

He played with his pen for a moment. "Fine"


"I hate her, I hate them, i HATE every diva on the God damn roster!" I ranted to Dean as I walked circles around his room.

I was so angry, I didn't even know what to do with myself to calm down. The only thing I had on my mind was the divas, and how I was gonna destroy any of them who choose to get in my way. I had also found myself in Deans room again, talking to him about my problems. I would have gone to Seth, but I had insulted his girlfriend, or whatever she is to him.

"Beau, I'm gonna need you to calm down." Dean sighed as he zipped up his suitcase. "I'm gonna need you to calm down and pack your bags because we have planes to catch to go back home.." He rubbed my arms.


"You can go home and relax, forget about all this."

"Dean, I want to hurt them. I won't and I can't stop thinking about this until I hurt them!" I yelled.

"Yeah, okay" he said before grabbing my arm and leading me out of his room with his bags.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Your room, to pack" he said as we walked down the hall to my room. "And then, you're gonna make a decision."

I unlocked my hotel room door and let him in. "A decision on what?"

"A fun three days off with me, In Vegas. Or you go home and try not to kill somebody, alone."



Okay so after forever I finally wrote stuff about Beau actually being on RAW. Also, I'm starting to wonder why I picked Beau to be her name..

Vote and comment please! <3

- zoya

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