Seventy five

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"What's for dinner?"
"Yeah What's for dinner?" Suho asks.
"Mom's cooking I don't know," Damanos says.
We hear dad run off. I sigh.
"Chicken." She says.
Dad runs back in.
"Can we leave now?" I ask.
"Not until you've studied."
"Fine I'll actually try." I start studying.
"Thank you."
30 minutes later
"Can we be done now?" I ask.
"Twenty minute break Okay?"
"That sounds fair to me!"
"Supper's ready!"
"Perfect timing!"
"Oh thank the lord!" We go eat.
After eating, Seyeon says, "I will do the dishes."
"I'll help!" Suho says.
Simone smiles. Then sits down.
Suho says, "Seojun, why don't you help?"
"Oh, you see I would love to but I'm busy at the exact the time you'll be doing the dishes!" I say.
Dad sighs and pushes me over to help.
"I guess I'm helping."
"Bro you'll have the easiest job. You're gonna be drying." Suho says.
"Oh great." I say sarcastically.
Dad smiles. We do the dishes.
"Now study for a bit longer okay?"
We study some more.
30 minutes later
Seyeon goes home. He smiles.
"Can I go to bed?"
He nods then follows me into my room. I look at him.
He pulls a chair over and says, "hey."
"I'm not trying to be hard on you."
"I love all of you dearly."
"I love you too."
"I don't expect you to get perfect grades, I do expect you to try and learn."
"I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did."
"What do you mean?"
"Well Damanos, Thanatos, and I made a band together and we got distracted... I didn't learn how people could be cruel or that they could have bad intentions I didn't know how to do algebra either now I do and it's saved my a more times than I can count."
"So you mean to tell me that I have to give up kpop to actually learn?"
"No... I just don't want you to lose sight of the truth by being distracted by being an idol, okay?"
I look down.
I nod, "ok I'm sorry."
"I love you, okay?"
"I love you too." I hug him.
"I'll protect you with everything I have while I'm still here."
"I don't think I need protecting."
"You don't know that."
"Dad, I just beat up a kid today. I think I can handle myself."
"Baby, you don't know that... a battle can change in an instant."
"Oh yeah how?"
"The day that I got sealed away I was fighting my own battle... I thought I was winning... next thing I knew I was in a seal locked away from everyone who could help me."
"By who?"
"... someone I thought I could trust."
"Ah so you're saying TRUST NO ONE?"
"No... the talk would've had a completely different tone if it was."
"Oh." I pull out a big bag of candy that's under my bed. I eat a piece of it. He chuckles.
"Don't judge me, dad."
"I'm not."
I smile.
He kisses my forehead.
"I love you, okay."
"I love you too."
"Okay get some sleep, you've got a test tomorrow."
I nod, "goodnight!"
He leaves. I fall asleep.
A year later Seyeon's POV
I'm sitting at the park alone. I'm looking at my phone and I see people saying that I'm a monster and that I'm a violent school bully. I start crying, "t-that's not who I am!"
I get up. I go to the tallest building. I just want to end it all but of course I have to tell my best friends goodbye. I call Suho. He's not answering? I try again. Voicemail. I send him and Seojun a text instead.
Suho's POV
I get out of my shower with my towel around my neck and using the side of it to dry my hair a little. I pick up my phone. I see I got a text from Seyeon. I read it. H-He's gonna kill himself. I put my shoes on. I run out of my room. I continue running out of the house. I see a shadow that disappears.
Dad opens looking exhausted.
"C-Can I come in?"
He picks me up. I continue crying. He puts me in bed.
"D-Dad he's gone!"
Meanwhile Seojun's POV
I read the text that Seyeon is killing himself. I throw my phone against the wall angrily. Then I start sobbing sitting against my door hard. The door quietly opens. I turn. I don't see anyone.
"W-Who's there?" I ask.
A small stuffed rabbit is slipped into my arms. I look at it. It looks like one of Camacoco's. Did Camacoco give me this? I see her out of the corner of my eye. Why is she sneaking? She slips another one. I slightly smile. She dumps 30 onto me.
"Oh my god!"
She smiles and slides in to sit next to me.
"This is too much fucking bunnies!"
I start to realize some of them aren't rabbits. I look at them. There's bunnies, horses, donkeys, chickens, puppies, kitties, and cows.
"Where did you even get all of these?"
"I've collected them over the years... I have more."
"Oh. What are you doing up?"
"You woke me up."
"Oh. S-Sorry."
"It's okay."
I hug her.
"Are you asking what's wrong?"
She nods.
"You remember our best friend, Seyeon the boy we always had over to the point this was like his second home?"
"I'm sorry."
I look down.
She hugs me and says, "everything happens for a reason... you've just gotta figure out why."
"B-But why did this have to happen?"
She shrugs.
"I don't know, but there's a reason out there."
"I'm gonna miss him so much."
She nods, "that's normal."
I hug her tightly. I slightly start crying.
She hugs me then says, "there there let it all out."
I hit the wall hard. She sighs and hugs me tightly.
"H-He was my bestfriend."
She nods and hugs me tighter.
"Have you ever lost someone you were very close to before?"
"Several times."
She nods and forces my head into her lap. She starts to play with my hair. I look up at her. She smiles softly. She's kinda like a mouse... she's quiet, shy, fast, and she likes cheese.
"You're kinda like a mouse."
"How so?"
"You're quiet, shy, fast, and you like cheese. Why are you shy?"
"I just don't like people to pay a lot of attention to me."
"That explains why you were sneaking around."
She smiles and nods.
"Is my hair soft?"
She nods. I smile. She smiles back.
"What?" Dad asks barely awake.
"He's gone!"
He splats onto the floor unconscious.
"Nyou do realize he won't remember anything tomorrow, right?"
I turn. Mary is standing there.
"He's exhausted."
"O-Oh." I look down.
She nods but then wraps her paws around me. I hug her back.
"So what's wrong with nyou?"
"He's gone."
"As in?"
"Dead he's dead!"
"Well I just thought he was missing. I was going to say let's go find him."
"No I know where he is but when I got there it was too late."
"Well if nyou had said dead instead of gone I would've understood."
I look down. She hugs me and puts me and dad on the bed. I shiver.
"Nyow get some sleep."
I nod. I fall asleep.
A year later
Seojun and me have been fighting nonstop since Seyeon died and Seojun decided to give up being a kpop idol since he died. Now we're at school and I'm getting some lunch. Seojun comes up to me and says, "you know what you did." Then he knocks my tray out of my hands. He walks away. I walk over to him and I grab him by the collar. He forces me to let go. He punches me making me fall and my lip is busted bleeding. I get up and I go to fight him back but the teachers force us to stop.
After school
I get home. Mom sees my busted lip and says, "oh my god! What happened to you?" She asks as she grabs my hand and leads me to sit then rubs my lips with a wet wash rag. Dad heals it then runs out.

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