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"I'm just not used to it."
I nod. She yawns loudly. I look down.
I should take her to get a phone. I take her to get a phone. She looks at it confused.
"It's a phone!"
"I know that but who's it for?"
I nod and I hand it to her.
"I put my number in it too!"
"Okay. Who is General A and General B?"
"Oh General A is Jungkook's general and General B is RM's general!"
"Okay? Can you call one and I call the other for a four way call?"
"Sure!" I call one.
She calls the other.
"Hello?" A voice asks. Her eyes go wide.
"Oh my god."
"Hello?" The other voice asks.
"Stacy is that you?"
"Wow! A three way call!" The other girl apparently Prissy shouts.
I giggle.
"I'm Jimin!"
Stacy sighs.
"So What are you two doing?"
"Same!" Alaina says.
"Thought so."
Alaina sighs.
Prissy chuckles then says, "frock though."
Alaina giggles. Stacy smiles then yawns. They say bye and end the call. I giggle again. She smiles softly. I smile back. She yawn and falls asleep her head ending up in my lap. I blush.
She mumbles something along the lines of tacos. I giggle.
"Hungry want me taco," she mumbles.
I get her a taco. She wakes up and looks at it.
"Y-You wanted a taco!"
"How'd you know?" She asks cutely.
"Because you said in your sleep that you wanted a taco!"
"Oh well thanks!!"
I giggle and I hand her the taco. She eats it. I shiver. She looks at me gently then a small fire appears from her hand warming me but not burning.
"No problem."
I look down.
"What's wrong?"
"You sure?"
I nod. She sighs.
"I-I feel like I'm a burden."
"You aren't, Emperor Jimin."
I smile and I crawl into her lap. She smiles softly.
"Okay you can sleep there for twenty minutes... after that... I need to start doing work."
I nod. I fall asleep. I wake up in bed. There is a note next to my pillow. I read it.
"Hey, sleepy, I decided to put you in bed rather than wake you."
I giggle and I get up out of bed.
"Are you soldiers or are you babies??!?"
I look around. I think it came from outside on the training floor. I go outside. She is standing above them shouting orders to the training below.
She turns and tries not to smile. I look down.
"Keep training. No slacking."
She gets down then walks over.
"About time you woke up."
I giggle. "Did I really sleep that long?"
She nods.
"I-I'm sorry."
She chuckles, "you're fine!"
"I was really tired for some reason!" Suddenly I get punched. I wince. A bolt of fire shoots from her mouth. She picks me up and sits me behind her. I whimper. A spear appears in her hand.
"I've got this don't worry."
I nod.
"B-But it hurts!" I whisper.
The pain goes away. I smile. She smiles back. It's the dragon girl!!
"T-The dragon girl!"
Stacy turns and growls.
"I don't know how many more times I've gotta tell you..."
I back up scared.
"Leave him alone!"
"Why would I do that?"
Then the dragon girl scratches me hard. It's bleeding really bad! I start crying. Stacy growls and throws the girl into the wall over and over again until she is unconscious. Stacy heals me gently. I hug Stacy. She hugs back sweetly.
"No problem."
I giggle. She smiles softly.
"I'm sorry. I'm distracting you aren't I?"
"Maybe I want that."
I giggle.
"W-Why do you say that?"
She kisses my cheek. I blush. She smiles softly. I giggle. She kisses my lips. I hug her. She chuckles and hugs me back.

Meanwhile Jin's POV

One of my knights run in covered with blood. 
"Oh my god what happened?"
"An opponent named Lexalia struck at us... our survivors are few I'm the least injured so they decided to send me. She's heading this way!"
"Oh no!"
He coughs up blood. I look down. A soft breeze flows in healing the knight's wounds. I look around. A girl walks in, long wavy auburn hair, beautiful red eyes, and a blue dress. She is holding a blue flute as well.
"W-Who are you?"
"I'm Mealla."
Suddenly I feel something slice my back. I fall to the ground. She plays a soft melody I feel no more pain.
"How dare you stab someone in the back!" Mealla shouts.
I weakly get up. She plays a short melody lifting me into the air then setting me down gently behind her. I see a pirate girl. I back up scared. Mealla blasts her away. The pirate girl runs.
"And you? Your name?"
"My name is Jin."
"It is nice to meet you, Emperor Jin. I heard something about needing a general, I'm glad I came when I did."
I nod.
"Do you still have need of my services?"
I nod.
She falls to her knees, "I shall accept this and be your loyal general."
I smile and nod.
"Do I have permission to stand?"
She stands up and smiles softly. I smile back.
"I have given my awe to you."
"What does that mean?"
"I revere you."
I smile. She smiles back. I sigh.
"If you have time, my emperor, will you show me to a room?"
"Sure!" I show her to a room that's pink. My whole castle is pink! She does a bow.
"Am I allowed to retire to rest?"
I nod. She does another bow before her clothes change into pajamas and she falls asleep. I go to my room. Huff that was interesting.

The next morning V's POV

I get a text from Jhope just wanting to hang. I go hang with him. Suddenly the vampire girl and another girl appears the other girl is holding a large brush. They keep us in the center as they walk in a circle. We back up scared. They once again move to keep us in the center.
"W-What are you gonna do to us?" Jhope asks.
"We dunno yet!" The vampire cries.
"Sharina, maybe we should torture them!"
"Or, Asaleo, we could grind them to dust!"
"N-No please don't hurt us!"
"Hey!" A voice cries.
"Leave them alone!" Another shouts. We see two girls. The first girl has puffy, blonde hair, yellow eyes, wearing a sexy yellow dress, and cute sandals. She also has a big blade. The other girl has moon white hair, green eyes, white dress with black accents, long white cape, and a large boomerang. We back up scared. They knock Sharina and Asaleo away from us.
The one with green eyes helps me up.
"It is nothing to help."
I smile my box smile. She gives a cute fanged smile. Then closes her mouth obviously embarrassed.
"A-Are you a vampire?"
She looks down  then up then nods. I nod too.
She shivers softly. The one with blonde hair summons a blanket.
"I'm Allie and this is my twin Skylar but I sometimes call her moony."
"I'm V and this is Jhope!"
"H-Hi!" He says.
"Oh and I sometimes call her Sunny."
I nod.
She sighs sadly.
"We are looking for work... but we don't know where to find someone to hire soldiers that could act as leaders..."
"We could hire you two!" I say.
"You could?" Allie asks cutely.
I nod. They both smile. We smile back.
Skylar's eyes meet mine. She stares at me for a minute then looks away her cheeks turning red. I blush.
"Wh—What?" She asks cutely.
"N-Nothing." We lead them to our castle. She falls asleep on the way there causing Allie to pick her up. We lead them to rooms. Allie nuzzles up against Skylar cutely. I go to my own room. Suddenly something is stuck into me. I moan. I have boobs! I moan more. They grow bigger! Now it's my butt! It grows bigger as I moan. My pants and shirt both rip leaving me in a pink frilly bra and pink thong! My hair grows longer! Then the evil vampire girl comes and scratches me. I scream. Skylar runs in and beats the vampire girl away. She looks me up and down then moans quietly. I blush. She looks up realizing I heard it then says, "s—sorry... you'll probably think I'm weird but... I'm bisexual and can change my gender at will..."
"I-I'm bi too!"
She smiles cutely. I giggle then I shiver. She takes off her cape and puts it on me. I blush. "T-Thanks."
"N—no problem!"
"H-How did you know I was in trouble anyways?"
"Well y—you're technically my master now so I have a sense in me to  protect my master..."
"I-I'm your master?"
"In essence... I am a vampire, the ruler I serve... I become devoted to you... I'd die for you."
I blush. She looks up and blushes harder.
"I-I feel like I'm gonna be a distraction for you."
"That's what I have Sunny for she's good at reminding me what I was doing."
I giggle. "Do you need your cloak?"
"No it's fine and it's also a cape not a cloak."
"Oh I thought it was a cloak."
"I'm so stupid!"
"No you're not!"
"Yes I am!"
She giggles, "no you're not I just found that out like ten minutes before I came in here."
I giggle. I sniff her cape.
"How come your cape smells like a guy?"
She blushes.
"I wear cologne... not perfume... it messes with my allergies."
"Oh I wear perfume!"
She smiles softly. 
"If you're a vampire how come you don't want to suck my blood?"
"I can't drink human blood."
"Oh. Are you ok? You've been staring at me this whole time you've been in my room."
"Uh—I'm fine."
"Is there something on my face?"
"N—no... y—you're just really hot!"
I blush. "I-Is that why you moaned?"
She nods softly. I giggle. "I-I should probably put on some clothes but I doubt any of my clothes will fit me now because of my boobs and butt!"
She does something a dress appears on me.
"It's okay because my other outfit will."
Wait other as in she only has two?
"You only have two outfits?"
She sighs then nods sadly.
"I can't take this from you. It's ok I'll just go around in my bra and panties."
"No... I'll be fine..."
"No I can't. It's yours and you only have two outfits."
"So? I won't be wearing it often anyways. I only wear it when the seven of us go out as a group."
"But I feel bad."
"Don't feel bad!"
"But I do though!"
She kisses my lips. I hug her.
"Does that make it better?"
I nod. She smiles and hugs me. I giggle. Suddenly I feel someone stab me. I start crying. She heals me then kisses me. 

Rm's POV

Prissy sighs softly.
"Just a little down... I'm kinda lonely..."
"How are you lonely when I'm here?"
"I thought you were leaving again."
"I'm not."
She smiles cutely.
"Please don't."
I smile back.
"I won't."
She curls up and falls asleep.

Alaina's POV

Jungkook watches me training the soldiers. I smile at him. He smiles back cutely. I finish training the soldiers for the day. He sits down beside me and hands me a cookie. I giggle and eat it. He smiles.
"No problem!"
I look around. As I turn towards him he kisses my lips. I blush. He smiles cutely. I smile back and I crawl into his lap.

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