Eighty two

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He starts to cry. Why is he crying?
"I'm so scared!"
He finds a thing of black mud. What is he doing? We hear his dad. His eyes go wide.
„I don't have any options left!„
He dives into it going quiet. Oh no! He starts to go unconscious. I see through Paradise's eyes. He's looking outside seeing the setting sun. Is he worried? Definitely. I sigh.
"Can we go look for them?"
I think they should!
"Yes," Yucca says softly.
I sigh. They start running. Will they find him? They find the cave. I hear them crying.
"I wanna go home!" I hear Aloe cry.
"Me too!" Hollyhock cries.
Oh my god. Yucca and Paradise start to run. They find the duo curled up against each other near a fire. Why is that? Yucca rushes to hug them both. They're shivering. Are they okay?
Yucca sighs, "It's too late to go."
So they're gonna stay there? Paradise shivers. It's kinda cold. Why is it cold? It's probably because it's a cave. I sigh.
Yucca closes his eyes. Three yucca bushes appear trapping the heat into the room they're in. He proceeds to wrap them up in a blanket. I've never seen that before! Wait they were the bushes surrounding Yucca! How come I didn't notice? He kisses their foreheads. How nice. It shifts to Aloe's view. What's going on? Paradise trips and goes falling causing Aloe and Hollyhock to start balling. What happened? Yucca looks over. He scoops them up then says, "Look he's okay."
That's cute. Aloe closes his eyes a long aloe plant forms. He brings it up putting Paradise on the ground. What is he doing? Paradise groans softly. What's wrong? He gains his orange horns. Oh my god.
"Yucca?" He groans.
Is he hurt?
"My headaches and I don't feel too good."
Oh no. Yucca sighs and wraps him up. I sigh. Paradise falls asleep then starts snoring adorably. That's cute. Yucca chuckles and adds another blanket. He feels Paradise's forehead. Is he sick?
"Is he okay?"
"Just stressed."
I sigh. They all fall asleep.  The morning rolls around as it switches to Paradise's view. What's going on? He is awoken by Yucca.
"Can you take Aloe?" Yucca whispers. Paradise nods. What are they doing? He picks up Aloe. They leave the cave and head back to the house. Oh they're going home. He nuzzles the blanket. How cute. They lay them in bed. I sigh. He lays down on the couch as Walken walks in.
"You seem sad."
Is he sad?
"I left my guitar..."
"At the old house... I didn't get a chance to grab it as we were escaping..."
Oh he left it there. He starts to cry.
"Well... I might have a guitar you can have."
He does? He pulls a guitar out. It looks to be very expensive. Oh my god. He hands it to Paradise. That's sweet.
He nods. How nice. He hugs him tightly and cutely. I smile.
"All righty let's get you—" Walken starts.
"Huh?" Paradise asks.
What was that? He looks adorably outside to see a cockatoo aka Coco stuck in some orange mud. Her bottom feathers are orange now and she's got an orange flower crown. Oh wow. He opens the window and jumps out. Oh my god. Coco starts flapping hard from being trapped. That's kinda funny. He tries to calm her but she just gets more stressed. He quickly climbs back in then runs to the pantry. He finds some mixed nuts then runs back out. He opens the container and finds a pecan. Are those like her favorite? No she liked walnuts more. Why is he getting a pecan? Well I mean he probably doesn't know it's her favorite.
"Come on, let this work."
He gets her to calm down using the pecan. He helps her out. She instantly grabs onto his shoulder. At least it worked. He smiles softly. I sigh.
Hmm? He uses his powers to make a cage for her. She definitely needed one. She hops in it. I chuckle. He smiles and pets her. She's adorable. She coos. He smiles and jumps back into the window carrying the cage. I sigh. Walken smiles softly. Is she his pet now?
"What's her name?"
"I'll call her Coco."
That is actually her name. He smiles cutely. I smile. He goes and lays down. It changes to Hollyhock's eyes.
"Dang it," he cutely mumbles.
What's wrong?
"What's wrong?" Walken asks walking in.
"I'm missing the one tool I need."
What tool? Walken summons a tool. It becomes a special small Allen wrench. That's what he needed? He smiles cutely.
I smile.
"It'll become any tool you need."
That's cool.
That's really cool.
"Wow thank you."
"Of course."
He hugs Walken. I smile. It changes to Aloe who is sighing quietly looking at some flowers. Is he ok? He grabs a glass and pours some water into the flower pot. He really likes to plant.
"I wish these would grow again..."
They won't grow? He sighs and looks out the open window. What's he looking at? Nothing. He just is staring sadly. Why is he sad? Walken walks in. I sigh.
"What's wrong little one?"
I wonder what's wrong.
"I can't get things to work."
Why can't he?
I sigh.
"Growing things."
Is something wrong with him?
"They're the same plants I had at home but they aren't."
That doesn't make sense. He starts to cry. I sigh. Walken sighs softly. What is he gonna do? He wraps his arms around Aloe. I guess that's all he could do.
"Do you want to try again."
Would it work though?
"I don't know."
I sigh.
"Come on."
Where are they going?
"Fine I'll try."
At least he's gonna try again. He gets up. I sigh. He looks down sadly. Did it not work?
"What if it doesn't work?"
"It will," Walken says.
Why is that?
He tries again Walken waters them with a special looking watering can. The one Aloe uses. That's where he got it? Aloe strokes the leaves as the plants grow like they normally do.
"You just had lost fate in yourself."
That's sad."What?"
"I'll explain eventually."
Did he ever explain? He takes the watering can and holds it tightly. Walken smiles and kisses his forehead. I smile. He falls asleep.

Dream ends. I wake up to the trio calmer. I sigh. They hug me tightly then let go.
"Narcissus hasn't left his room yet," Hollyhock says.
"I'm starting to worry about him," Paradise mumbles.
"Same here," Aloe cries.
I nod. They look towards his new room. I look too. I can hear him crying. I should go check on him. I go check on him. I knock on the door. He doesn't answer. I know he likes to be warned in case he's painting for others.
"It's me."
He still doesn't answer.
"Hey I'm coming in," I say gently. I see him sobbing and balled up.
"What's wrong?"
He jumps.
"H-h-hi! I didn't hear you knocking!"
"Are you ok?"
"N-n-not really."
"What's wrong?"
"He's dead! I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"He's dead! He's dead! Perry and he saved me now he's gone! What if it happens again? What if I come out worse?"
"I'm sure it won't happen again."
"You don't know what happened!" He sobs.
"What do you mean?"
He rocks back and forth too scared to answer. I look down. He hugs me sobbing fearfully. I feel us both going to sleep.

Dream. I see the door slam shut.
"Just keep running," he shouts.
What is he running from? Hold on is this when Paradise and them left him? Is this why he's scared? Maybe. His dad finds him against the door. Oh no! He whimpers. He laughs evilly then chains Narcissus up. 

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