Fifty one

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"I've lost twenty five pounds"
"Look in the mirror Linda I think I found them."
Perry looks over confused. Narky quickly hands me his phone.
"But what does rape mean?"
"When someone forces someone to have dirty with them."
"Dirty with them?"
"Yeah. Perry it happened to you help me!"
"I'll just ask mommy and daddy later!"
"Oh sheet!"
"Nothing can we test these?"
"Yes!" The employee says.
I smile. We test a bunch. He finally decides to get three. They're pretty colors too! And great for styles.
"Can I get like different colored mascara like blue pink definitely black and any other color mascara?"
"Every color eyeliner and mascara. As well as other blushes."
"Yayyy!" Then I say to myself, "I can't wait to find out what doing dirty to them means!"
He gets everything else as well as makeup remover.
"Use this at night!"
I nod. "Can we get dance clothes now? The faster we get done the faster I can know what doing dirty to them means!"
Perry does something. What was I going to ask about? Awww I forgot! "I wanna get dance clothes now!"
He chuckles.
Wait why are we going into Joann's? I look around.
"We're making you custom clothes."
I giggle. He leads us further in. I look around. He leads me to the fabric department. I look around.
"Wait I need to call Yucca right quick!"
I nod. I look around again. He picks out some fabrics. They're pretty colors! He smiles. I smile back. We go to register. He pulls out some coupons. Wow he has a lot! In the end... he only end up paying a dime! Wow! We leave.
"How did you do that?"
"Oh I have a friend who works there."
I nod. We head back home. He smiles.
I smile back. I open mommy and daddy's door. "Hi mommy and daddy!"
"Hi sweetie!"
"Hi honey!"
"I got some new makeup!"
He smiles.
"Narky is also gonna make me some dance clothes!"
He nods.
"They already told us."
We hear a knock on the door. I open it. Yucca is standing there.
"Are you ready for us to make your new clothes?"
I nod. He smiles and says, "well, come on."
I follow him. He leads me into his room.
"The girls are out shopping."
I nod.
"So I'm going to move the measuring tape."
I nod. He measures me. I let him. After that, he goes to the sewing machine. I sit down. He makes me some dance clothes then some school dresses and outfits.
"No problem."
Meanwhile V's POV
Maybe me and Skylar should go to the beach today. It's a romantic place to talk. I kinda feel bad about our fight. I put on some Jean short shorts and I put on a tube top. I also do my makeup and I use her red lipstick. She won't mind. I go find Skylar after I'm done getting ready. Skylar is sitting on the chair.
"Hi!" I stand in front of her and I look down.
"I-I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me?"
"Yayyy!" We go to the beach. I sit down. She stays silent.
"I-I'm sorry. Please don't break up with me!" I start crying.
"And now I'm crying looking so ugly." I look away.
"You aren't ugly!"
"Yeah right. My makeup is probably running down my face now."
She sighs and gets up.
"No please don't leave!" I continue crying.
"Where would I go?"
"T-Then why did you get up?"
She sighs.
"The only way I could leave is if I killed myself."
"Please don't!" I hug her and I bury my face into her chest. She sighs.
"Is it really love that you feel for me?"
I nod.
"It doesn't feel like it... it feels like you just want someone to watch you to love you but that you don't have to worry about."
"No I do love you! I cried all last night because you weren't there and I missed you a-and I thought you were gonna break up with me. I even borrow your lipstick!"
"I heard about that... the one Night Moon gave me... as a birthday present."
"I-I didn't think you would mind."
"Huff... I don't but it was confusing... and I HATE when people demanding to pick 'favorites'. I don't believe in that people. If you choose a favorite person, then what if you find someone who is better? Now you're going to offend the previous person! Hell, I had a whole other person inside of me! Should she be my favorite person because she's inside of me?"
"N-No I-I just thought when you said that that you didn't love me."
Her eyes turn black.
"You thought I didn't love you because, even though I've explained why I don't choose favorite, I didn't say you're my favorite?"
"Uh uh no of course not. That's a stupid way to think." I say kinda scared.
Her eyes turn back to normal.
"... Huff... why does everyone always use me?"
"I'm not using you! I-If you kill yourself I will kill myself!"
She looks away.
"You told me you loved me... then you assume that I will consider you a favorite when you know I hate that... you try to give away my birthday gift... you bring me out here acting like this," she looks back, moon tears... her pain is heavy.
I start crying, "I-if you want to go back home T-Then just go!"
"Not unless I kill myself... V, don't you see?"
She points to the moon just barely visible, "that's my home."
"S-So you want to leave?"
"No... but I can't stand this pain..."
"I-I guess you should leave. I'm just not good enough. I'm a horrible person and now I may lose you. So I'll just leave and you'll never have to see me again."
She shakes, "This again?"
"W-What? I-I'm horrible! And I didn't even mean to almost give your lipstick away."
She sighs and rolls her sleeves up. Cuts obviously self made.
"I'm always the one."
"T-The one to what?"
"No one wants... the last one to know."
"B-But I do want you! You're sweet, protective, strong. I don't know why you still love me." I look down.
She sighs. I turn away.
"Why should I feel that attempt?"
"You can break up with me if you want. You'll just never see me again. But can I have a goodbye kiss?"
"I'm not the one who wants that."
"I-I don't want that! I want to stay with you! I want it to be like it used to be! I want to be your beautiful girl again! Please don't leave me!" I hug her and I start crying again into her chest. She teleports me beside her. Then runs out of the room. I follow her. She keeps running on deeper into the forest. Please come back! I stop because I get tired. I take off my heels. Damn she runs fast! Suddenly I hear her scream. I go see what happened. She has seven bullets in her chest. Oh my god! I go over to her.
She isn't awake!! No! She's dead! I cry over her body. A vampire appears.
"She's not dead but is getting there."
"The bullets, I'll remove them for a price."
"Ok what do you want?"
"A drink from you!"
"O-Ok fine."
He bites my neck and takes a long thick drink. He holds the position for a minute then lets go.  He does something. The bullets and the wounds disappear. It hurts! Nnnnngh! My head...

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