Twenty four

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He sits me down so I won't fall in the midst. I look around. It's a small trail.
"We're over half way... you see that large mountain?"
I nod.
"She lives there."
I nod. He sighs softly.
"You hungry?"
I nod. He smiles and makes a campfire. I sit down. He cooks some steak, potatoes, and corn. We hear a growl. I look around Scared. A wolf man walks out growling. I back up scared.
"Are you hungry?" Daddy asks.
"Food?" He growls.
"Me want food."
Daddy lays some meat down. The wolf man grabs and eats it. I eat too.
"Me Lukas."
"I'm Damanos and this is one of my daughters Alaina."
"Nice meet."
"Nice to meet you too!"
He scoots into the warmth of the fire. I sigh. He looks up and cocks his head.
"You weird."
"Why do you say that?"
"You have pink hair."
"It not normal."
"Pink is my favorite color that's why my hair is pink."
"No it's because she has pink soul."
"That too."
"Okay well it's late now... surprisingly..."
I nod. He summons a tent. I crawl into it and I fall asleep.
"Love you sweetie."

Meanwhile Yunmi's POV

Dexter hands me another bowl of soup. I eat it.
"Dad forgot his phone."
"It's ok. He's too determined to find whoever did this that's probably why he forgot it."
He nods, "still funny though."
I giggle, "yeah it is."
He tucks me in.
"Good night mom."
"Good night son." I fall asleep.
"Love you mom..."

The next morning Alaina's POV

Daddy wakes me up. I yawn.
"Hey sweetie."
"Good morning daddy!"
He gives me a dress. I put it on.
"Let's go."
I nod. I follow him. Lukas gives a cute glance.
"You can come too!"
He smiles big.

Hayul's POV

Amanda? What happened? She looks like... like a bimbo! I wish I could help her!
"God! I'm so horny!" She cries before moaning.
She looks up then down.
"The evil... I," she says before she lets out a loud moan.
She can't stop moaning! I look down. She finally manages to stop but she's shivering with both embarrassment and cold she is wearing a revealing outfit that is A. freezing cold and B. super embarrassing for her. I give her a blanket and I wrap one around myself.
"Th—Thank you."
"No problem!"
She drags herself over to the wall.
"S-s-s-s-So h-h-h-h-heavy!"
I nod. I don't thing she's ever gonna get used to having big boobs like I have. But hers are way too big even for my standards... no wonder she's not used to it. When and how did this happen to her? I wish I knew. She shivers. I give her another blanket.
"Thanks, your highness."
"No problem!"
Amy walks in. I look at her. She sees Amanda. Her eyes go wide at the sight of her second oldest sister.
"I don't know who did this."
She drapes another blanket on her then asks, "can she speak? Is she a full bimbo?"
"She can kinda speak."
She nods cutely. I look down.
"Are you hungry, your highness?"
I nod. I sit down on my bed. I put a blanket over my legs so no one can see my thong because of my short, black dress. She brings us both a bowl of soup.
"Thanks!" I eat.
Amanda tried to reach for the bowl to eat but her massive boobs are bigger than her arms. I hand it to her. She tries to eat it but she can't stop moaning again from hitting her boobs. I continue eating mine. Amy just starts to feed her. She smiles weakly, "Thanks Amy."
I sigh. Amail, Amia, And Ambrose walk in.
"Hello your highness," Ambrose (the oldest) says.
"Hi!" The twins Amail and Amia say.
I continue eating. They all notice poor Amanda. She just starts crying. Poor Amanda... She whimpers. I sigh. She smiles softly. I smile back. Amia sits down beside me. I smile. She smiles back. I sigh. She sighs as well. I put my bowl down. Amy takes it then gets soup for the rest of the girls. I lay back. Amanda manages to sit up completely. I wish I could help her...  Maybe I should take care of her while the others do patrols and stuff.
"I'll take care of her while you all do patrols and stuff."
They all smile and say, "thank you so much!!"
"No problem!"
She weakly collapses down. I help her to bed. She smiles weakly.

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