Forty nine

46 0 0

Felix's POV
I get up. I hear singing. I go see Who's singing.
"Cause you're a natural!" A sweet gentle voice sings. I see a boy with orange horns and clothes. His eyes are green and spiked blonde hair like Perry's. It also looks like he's singing to a girl that looks about the same age as him.
"Hey!" I say.
He falls off the log he was sitting on.
"Uh—um hi."
"What's your name?"
"Felix. What's your alls names?"
"My name is Boreum!" The girl says.
I nod. I kinda wanna talk to him alone but I don't wanna be rude to his girl.
"I don't know."
I sit down. He stands up.
"Where are you going?" Boreum asks.
"Yeah where are you going?" I ask.
I nod. Then Jiheon comes in. "Hey do you want to go shopping with me and the other girls?" She asks Boreum.
"Sure!" She goes shopping with Jiheon and the other girls. He smiles.
"I'm just curious but does having a girlfriend take up all your time? I've never had a girlfriend before all though there's a lot of girls who want to be with me."
"Sometimes it feels like I don't do as much because she's always up my ass... I wouldn't tell her that to save my life because I love her to death... but this was really just me wanting to go sing by myself because the house was loud."
"So she's around you all the time?"
He nods sadly.
"So you're not happy with her?"
"I love her but... I wish I could spend time without her..."
"Why don't you ever tell her how you feel? I'm sure she'd understand but tell her nicely of course."
"I'm not good at talking..."
"Are you afraid that she's gonna get mad or that she's gonna cry? I mean If you sound rude then I'm sure she'd cry."
"Former rather than later..."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm afraid she's going to get mad and hit me... I mean... I told her I was bi... and she didn't seem happy about it..."
"She seemed nice. Does she abuse you?"
"No... but my mom was..."
"I'm sure she's not like your mom. She seemed nice. I feel like though when she gets back from shopping she's gonna force you to look at what all she got."
He nods.
"Would you cheat on her?"
"No... and she knows what happened to my first romantic partner the one before the mud."
"Oh did you get cheated on?"
"No... my mom killed him..."
"Oh. How come you're with a girl then?"
"I'm bisexual..."
"So you just decided to be with a girl? Would you break up with her?"
"No... in fact she acts just like him... heck... even looks like her—" his eyes go wide.
"My mom is a geneticist... what if she did something to him and—and—"
He goes silent.
"What she made him into Boreum?"
"I—I—I—I don't know!!"
"Well she seemed girly and giggly and she definitely seemed to enjoy shopping is that what your ex was like?"
"To the tee... I was the 'male' of the relationship."
"Yeah I could tell because of the way you act and your abs. Maybe she is your ex just in female form. What was his name?"
"Boris... hey Narcissus is pretty feminine and he loved me BEFORE I had abs."
"That name sounds close to hers."
He nods.
"Did he like spending time with you all the time?"
"Yeah... but also understood where I felt I didn't like to sing in front of people."
"Did you like singing in front of him?"
"Sometimes but only when I felt romantic and he understood when I didn't want to."
"But you let her whenever you wasn't trying to be romantic though like that song you were singing wasn't a romantic song."
"That's because I can't tell her no."
"Why's that?"
He shrugs.
"You don't want to hurt her feelings?"
"I don't know..."
"Wait so she acts like your ex a lot?"
He nods.
"Does she talk like him too?"
He blushes then nods.
"Why are you blushing?"
"She even calls my dick cocky!"
"Did he call you that too?"
"My dick? Yep."
"Do they like your dick or something?"
"I don't know. They both just called it that."
"Wow. She seemed to wear sexy and revealing outfits. Did he too?"
He moans softly. Oh~?
"Is that a yes?"
He just flips me off. That's a yes! I laugh.
"Fuck you!!!"
"I was just curious! Are they both very flirty?"
"Extremely... Let's just say... they've both had me walk into the room with them posed provocatively in other bra and thongs and Boris didn't even have a bra."
"Did he wear thongs?"
"G strings even more revealing."
"Wow I'm surprised you haven't had sex yet."
"What do you mean?"
"Jabbed my dick into his ass."
"Oh wow. What if she's shopping for some new lingerie right now?"
He blushes hard.
"I bet that will be fun for you tonight. Boreum was pretty cute though."
He nods.
"What's your number?"
I give him my number. He gives me his.
"Got to go home now thanks for letting me vent out that."
"You're welcome!"
He gets up and starts to walk home a thing of condoms and a thing of pocky falls out of his back pocket.
"Do you use those every night?"
He turns and sees the condoms and pocky. He turns a deep orange blush.
"Wait wait why do you carry those around in your pocket?"
"I snuck out to buy them... just in case."
"You plan on using those tonight?"
His blush turns red then nods.
"Well like I said she's probably buying new lingerie right now and the other girls are probably doing the same."
"Stop that makes me horny!"
I laugh.
"Fuck you!"
"I bet she'll look super sexy tonight." I say trying to tease him.
I laugh. His phone lights up.
"Oh that's her got to go!!"
He runs without another word. I go home. I better tell Narcissus since he's still here! I go to Narcissus. Orvis is braiding his hair after putting an adorable green hair bow in IN's. He giggles. I wave.
"What's up?"
"Is something going on?" Narcissus asks. Oh god!!
"Do you really want to know?"
"Whelp let's just say I think Paradise and his gf are gonna have some fun tonight."
"As in?"
"I'm pretty sure he means sex."
Narcissus' eyes go wide.
"Yeah because he bought some condoms and pocky."
His eyes go wider and a yellow blush forms.
"You wanted to know."
"Hehehe... ima call him in 10 minutes in the middle of it."
"Ew why?"
"Scare the shit out of him."
"That would be kinda funny."
I laugh. He gets his phone out.
"Okay everyone be quiet."
We hear the phone ring. We stay quiet. We hear moaning.
"Dude! Stop leaving your phone on auto answer!"
We hear him scream. I laugh. Then we hear giggling.
"I hate you!!!"
Narcissus falls off the couch laughing hard. I laugh again. He finally realizes that I'm there.
"Are you having fun?" I ask once again trying to tease Paradise.
"Ahem!! Bye!"
He hangs up. I laugh again.
Meanwhile Yunmi's POV
I can't wait to give birth to our new daughter, named Maddie! All the color boys appears.
"Um hi?"
"Troubles coming."
Oh god! She's coming!! Narcissus grabs my hand. I hear Damanos fighting.
"We've gotta help him get back here until then... Narcissus you know how this works, right?" Acanthus asks. Narcissus nods.
"Aloe, you stay here too. Whatever Narky asks of you get it!"
I'm so scared! The boys run out of the room... well except Narcissus and Aloe. I look down.
"Come on you've gotta push... I know you've done this before."
I nod. I start pushing. After a few minutes, I hear crying. Narcissus smiles weakly then cleans our newborn baby. Awwww she's so cute! He smiles weakly. We hear Damanos and the others. I smile back. He hands her over to me. She's sleeping now. The others come in. Prissy's eyes go wide.
"What's wrong?"
"She's beautiful!"
I giggle, "yeah she is."
She scoops her up. Damanos walks in.   I smile. She smiles back then cuddles. I sit up. The baby wakes up. 
"So cute!"
Awwww she is cute! Damanos looks at her.
"What do you think of her?" I ask him.
I smile. A part of me wishes Thanatos was here. But I don't want him to hurt her... Exactly why he isn't here...He brought this on himself... Damanos takes Maddie and kisses her forehead.  I smile. He smiles back. Lilly looks at her and takes her. I fall asleep so I can rest.

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