Twenty nine

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He freezes for a minute then cries into my shoulder weakly.
"Why does he treat me like garbage?!"
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
I nod.
"Was it really that bad?"
"No. I thought it was great!"
He gives a weak smile. Acanthus runs in sweaty and in a more humanoid form. He hugs Yucca.
"I heard something about you crying. Are you okay?"
"Now I am..."
"What happened?"
Yucca doesn't answer.
"It's a long story."
"Was it Narcissus?"
I nod.
"What did he insult this time?"
"His cooking."
"He can starve for all I care..."
I nod. He starts to cry again. Acanthus picks him up and rocks him. I sigh. He lays him in bed then gets a bowl of soup for the two of them. I smile. Acanthus hand feeds Yucca who at first resists but enjoying soon lets him.  I chuckle.
Hollyhock walks in.
"Hm?" He asks.
"The soup was delicious."
Yucca smiles weakly, "Thanks Holly."
"Everyone thought so but we didn't know what say."
I nod. Yucca smiles weakly again. Acanthus smiles then goes back to spoon feeding the poor Yucca. I sigh. Aloe walks in. He climbs onto the bed.  I smile. He hands Yucca a green Nik-Nip.
"Those are your favorite I couldn't ta—"
"Shh... you're sad... and their your favorite too."
Yucca smiles weakly. I sigh. He drinks the juice. I smile.
I yawn.
"Acanthus... can you get me some wine?"
"Sure Yucca."
I smile.
"Can it be the pearl grapes?"
I lay back.  He comes back with a bottle and three glasses. We drink some wine. Mmm so sweet!! Mmmmmm! That boy should start his own winery!!
"You should start your own winery!"
Aloe smiles cutely.
"It's that good?"
I nod. He smiles cutely. I smile back. Acanthus kisses Yucca's forehead.
"Was that enough?"
He nods tiredly. I go to sleep.
"I'll carry him to bed."
I'm not fully asleep so I feel Acanthus carry me to bed. 

The next morning.

I wake up with a purple outfit at the end of my bed. I look at it. It looks like something like Acanthus wears. Why is it here? I find a note, "Hey, I brought you an outfit... I'm the only one who wears anything close to your size."
I put it on. Wow! It fits! I smile. He walks in and smiles.
"No problem... it looks really good on you," he says the last part weakly.
I smile. He stumbles then collapses weakly.
"Are you ok?"
He groans.
"I don't know... my head is spinning... eyes hurt..."
I nod. He scoops him up and carries him to his room. I follow.
"Can you get a cool rag."
I get a cool rag. Acanthus is shivering yet sweating. He must be sick. He is gasping for air. I look down.
"I'll do your work," we hear a voice say. I see Perry looking almost human except the claws. I sigh.
"Sh... you're sick... let me help."
Acanthus weakly breathes then nods with appreciation.
I smile. He coughs weakly. Brunnera grabs my arm.
"And we'll handle groceries!"
I nod. He gives me a cloak. I put it on.
"Let's go."
We leave. We head to the grocery store. He looks around. I look around too.  He finds the stuff on the list then sees the clothing department. He looks down at his ripped jeans. He gets his phone out.
"Hey... Yucca... Huff... I hate to ask but... my jeans... I need a new pair... do you mind? If you don't want me to it's fine I can wait—really? Thanks... I promise I won't take long!"
I smile. He gets a new pair of jeans then we pay and leave. We meet up with Perry who has a large bag of coins. Why does he have a bag of coins?
"I got tons a money!" He cries.
I nod. He smiles cutely. I smile back. We head home. I see Lycaris.
He smiles tiredly.
"Me and Yucca have been preparing recipes for the next two days so he can spend more time watching Acanthus."
I nod.
"You wanna hang out in our room for a bit?"
We walk into their large room. I sit down. Damn double bedroom. Wow! They sit nexts to me. I smile.
"So—ngh!" Lycaris cries.
"What's wrong?"
He starts to shiver really hard.
"Are you ok?"
"S-s-s-s-s-So c-c-c-cold!" He says sounding feminine?
"What's going on?"
"M—mmmooooooh!" He moans. Bloooomp! He blushes as he now has c cup boobs. I look away.
"Oh my god! Your leg!"
I look back. He has a tail instead of legs!
"What's going on?"
"Ssss? Thisssss my voiccccce!"
"You're a snake?"
He—she looks down and sees her body. I look down.
"We have to get help!" Brunnera cries but then slips.
I nod, "but who?"
He—sh—she? She is gasping for air. I go get help. Yucca is mooing like a cow weakly. What is going on? He turns into a half cow girl. I look for everyone else. Acanthus is a goat girl. Aloe runs in as she gains a dog tail. I go check on everyone else. I hear the water turn on. Brunnera is in a tub more fish girl than anything. I better go get Prissy. I go find Prissy. She's still sick and asleep. She wakes up, coughs, and falls back asleep. I should let her rest. I sigh and leave. I hear a pained cry. Oh no! Poor Perry! I go see What's going on. She is on her stomach watching as her abs turn into breasts. I look away.
I sigh. He is turning pink! He's a pig! Or half pig girl... I look down. I should give h—her and Orvis some food... I give them food. Pig slop? I guess that will work... Orvis' treats good! I give it to them. They eat. I smile. She oinks with pleasure. I chuckle. She uses the rest of her magic to get onto the bed. She falls asleep. She looks just as soft as Orvis!! I pet her.
I chuckle. Wait Squawk. I look around. It's outside in... oh no! I go look. I walk into Paradise's room. She moans as more feathers pierce her back. I sigh.
"Coco! Squawk!"
I look down.
"Squawk! Food! Squawk!"
I get her food. While I'm at it I should feed coco... I feed coco. There is only two people that I haven't heard from.. I go look for them. Hollyhock is curled up weakly on his bed... if he even is still a guy... I don't know from here.. I go closer. He—she is a girl fox...I sigh. I go check on the last one. Narcissus doesn't answer the door. I smile. Whelp if he can't take the time to answer I guess he doesn't really care... I go to walk away. I see the cow Yucca and goat Acanthus... they are swollen with milk. I milk them. Poor things. I look down. Hollyhock stumbles her way into the room. I sigh. She shivers. I give her a blanket. She nuzzles in it cutely. I chuckle. She falls back asleep.  I smile. They were taking care of me now I've gotta take care of them. I take care of them. They all seem comfortable now... maybe now Narcissus will answer.  I try again. No answer. I sigh. I'll just leave the brat some food...I leave him some food. What time is it? It's 10:30 pm... I go to bed. It's way past my bed time! This is so insane.

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