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He smiles softly. I smile back. He looks at the shelves full of drawing books. I sigh. He looks over sadly.
"What's wrong?"
"I messed up everything..."
I nod. He looks down.
"It's time you make things right though."
He nods weakly. I sigh. He looks over.
I nod. He leans back. I sit down. He looks down.
I nod. He looks over cutely. I chuckle. He opens a sketchbook that looks newer than the others. His eyes go wide.
He shows me a drawing. Compared to Narcissus' realistic drawings there is a doodle that I don't know if he could even draw due to just the pure difference is a doodle of Prissy as a white fox girl.
"Why did you draw this?"
"I didn't!" He does a spell, "it was drawn mere minutes after Prissy did the spell!"
I nod. He looks over fearfully. I look down.
"Is this sketchbook...magic??"
"But if it is and I make a mistake... what if it makes things worse? I've done enough damage."
"But we have to change them back. They can't be animals forever!"
"But—but... it's not that good!"
He's lost his confidence... hasn't he?
"I know what it is. You lost your confidence. It's ok! Don't you want to at least try to help them?"
"Yeah but what if I make things worse?" He asks almost crying.
"It wouldn't hurt to try. At least try if it doesn't work than it's ok at least we tried."
He nods weakly.
"So will you try?"
"Couldn't hurt to try right?"
"Right that's what I'm saying!"
He nods cutely.
"So do it."
He nods and opens a drawer. His eyes turn to confusion.
"Where are my paints?"
"Did they disappear?"
"I don't know I can't find them!"
I look down. He starts digging through the drawers. I help him look for them. I find some brushes. 
"Here's some brushes."
"Maybe they're in there! I always leave them together!"
I look. No...
"Maybe Hollyhock finished a bot and borrowed them without me knowing?"
I nod. He runs into Hollyhock's room leaving me sprinting to keep up. I keep following. He starts digging through Hollyhock's drawers. I help. I find a yellow box with a daffodil drawn on it. "Is this it?"
He smiles and grabs it. He rips the lid off. His eyes go wide.
He hands me the box. No paints just a note.
"Hey bro! I wanted to get you out of your room for a bit so I hid your paints after painting Sparky... I hope Aloe likes him. Anyways! Yep so you gotta find your paints!"
"This is gonna take forever!"
He stumbles to his side then yawns.
"Barely keep me eyes open," he says  tiredly. I check my phone. Damn it's 11 pm! We go to bed. I hear him crying from my room. I go check on him. He has cried himself to sleep. I go back to bed. Poor thing...I sigh. I go to sleep. So exhausted.


Where am I? I look around. It's a strange dark room. This is weird... A rainbow appears. Wow it's pretty! The boys appear. Why are they here?
"What happened?"
"I-I don't know."
I see Narcissus. His eyes are greyed out.  What happened? He collapses to his knees. I back up. The guys run over to him.
"Narky?" Hollyhock asks cutely.
What's going on? He looks down.
"I'm so useless."
He feels useless... He looks down. I look down too.
He's sick? Hollyhock nuzzles into Narcissus lap.
"Please tell me where they are!"
"What are?"
"The paint!"
"The cabinets..."
I sigh.
I hope we can save them! He nuzzles him. I wake up. Narcissus is sitting at the foot of my bed.
"I know where your paints are!"
He nods. I go to the cabinets. He helps me find them.
"I hope this works!"
He nods.
"Are you ready?"
He nods weakly.
"Then do it!"
He gets the book and starts drawing gently. I watch him.

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