One hundred seven

15 0 0

"You think so too?"
I nod. He smiles. I smile.
"Also, I wanted to ask do you want to get new stuff?"
"Oh sure. Are you wanting to go shopping?"
"Sure! Just let me finish cooking!"
"Can our friends come?"
"Yeah! We'll have to invite them but yeah!"
I nod.
"Ummm I never got their numbers..."
"I can give them to you!"
I give them to him. He starts to call them.
"Hello?" They answer.
"So why'd you call?" Suho asks.
"Um Uh."
"What is it?" Cheongsan asks.
I take his phone, "he wants to know if you'll go shopping with us."
"Oh sure!" They say.
He smiles awkwardly. I laugh. I give him his phone back. He gives a thumbs up.
"So when and where are we meeting?" Suhyeok asks.
"Um tomorrow eight."
"In the morning?" Seojun asks.
"Ugh ok." He says.
"But where?" Suho asks.
"Pail mall?"
He looks nervously at me.
"We'll talk to you all tomorrow bye!" I say.
"Bye!" They say.
I end the call, "why were you so nervous to talk to them?"
"Not good with people..."
"Well I'm... I'm just not honestly I'm not sure."
"But they're nice tho."
"I know... it's not the easiest to me."
"I don't know. I'm trying."
"But you were able to talk to I-Sak before. I still don't understand why you don't try to date her now."
"It's the magic behind what I did... I saved her at the cost of her never being able to love me back. And i only spoke with her twice once when she died and the other we were basically alone."
"But you also talked to everyone else didn't you?"
He looks over, "awkwardly."
"Are you sure it's ok to invite them?"
"Yeah! I just am awkward!"
I nod. I sigh.
"I'm sorry."
He hands me some tacos.
"What are you sorry about?"
"Because I'm not that good with it."
He eats as well.
"Take any room you want by the way."
I nod.
"Anyways I'm a go onto bed."
I nod, "good night!"
He walks out and onto bed. We start at the new school next Monday. And I don't know why he's willing to do for me as he does.

Suho's POV

Damanos witnessed our phone call and looks confused.
"Why are you confused?"
"Who was that guy?"
"One of our friends."
"Just curious."

"Wrath"'s POV

I wake up. The chains again? Not this again... I sigh. Can't get mad can't get mad— huh? It's a small girl with blonde hair green ends. Her eyes are purple. Who is this?
"Who are you? And how'd you get here?"
"I'm not sure."
"D—do you know who you are?"
"I'm Wrath."
Well I did go by Razral but it might be safer to go by my official name.
"My name is Adalyn."
I nod.
"Here let's get you outta those chains!"
"No problem," she says as she gets my wrists free. Ahhhhhh freedom! My wrists hurt so badly. She looks at my swollen wrists and gasps. I rub my wrists. She pauses and looks me up and down seeing the rest of my wounds. I sigh. She uses magic to heal me. I feel... what is she? She's not human...
"What are you?"
"Huh? Oh I guess if you're really asking I'm officially known as kindness."
She would know what I am then... so why would she help me?
"Why are you helping me?"
"Why are you helping me?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"But why?"
She finally seems to get it.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, but why wouldn't I help you? You're hurt."
I sigh. 
"Just because you're one of those what you ma call it's doesn't mean you don't deserve kindness or care."
"Of course!" She seems to realize something and mumbles, "and maybe that's what they meant by having something for me."
"They said they had something for me— oh I'm sorry. Basically the others like me, I don't know what we're really called, but they said they had something for me."
I nod.
"Im sorry."
"For what?"
"Because I feel bad that this happened to you."
I see a mirror the only parts of me that looks like me are my hair red spikes, red eyes, and my left ear piercing... outside of that... I look... bad... I sigh. She looks up at me. She's about at most 1/4 my size. I look at her. Wait one of her pigtails looks weirdly cut...
"Why does your pigtail look like that?"
She looks up at me sadly.
"People are mean."
"Oh I'm sorry."
She needs someone like me. Oh if I could only get my hands on whoever did that to her. I snap outta it. That's the first time I've felt like myself in... a long time. I sigh.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm sorry."
"Okay... I dread school tomorrow..."
"Do you get bullied?"
"... um well Uh um well... yes..."
"Maybe I should go with you."
"You'd come?"
I nod.  She hugs me.
"Well I'll have to tell dad."
Her dad would be way stronger. Would he be mad at her?!
"What if he gets mad at you?"
"He shouldn't if he does then would be kind now come on."
I nod. We head out to see her dad. Oh this is gonna be— he's only 2/3's my height. Wow he's short. Her father looks me up and down. He seems to instantly recognize me.
"Who? What? How?"
"Okay sorry let me try that again, my name is Reoin, and besides being wrath what's your name?"
"Nice to meet you, how'd you get here? How long since you ate?"
"I'm not sure."
"Let us get you some dinner and then we'll talk more over it if that's all right?"
I nod.
"Do you have clothes or anything?"
I shake my head no.
"Well since we don't have anything in your size do you mind if I use magic to modify some of my own outfits just for now?"
"We could go shop tomorrow!" Adalyn says softly.
I nod. Can't believe how nice they are to me.  I sigh. I guess it's the kindness. He leads us to the kitchen. I look around. Oh great the chairs are kinda small... reminds me of careb. I sit down. Shit! The chair looks like a kindergarten chair for me. Okay this is kinda funny but also super awkward. He passes me a plate to let me get what I want. Which there's a lot of food. I get food. He smiles awkwardly.
"I'm sorry this probably isn't the most comfortable thing."
"It's fine."
"Okay. We do have an extra bedroom you can sleep in. Um I need to go check on Mesea," he gets up and walks out of the room.
"Mom's still sick..."
I nod. She looks over to me as I realize she's starting to cry. I rub her back. She calms down.
"I'm sorry. It hurts a bit."
"I understand."
She continue to now eat. I eat. She finishes then looks through the hallway. I sigh.
"I'll clean the kitchen you should get some sleep."
"Are you sure?"
I nod.

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